CVD Machines

I found this in a lab.
I could not smash it open.
I couldn’t jackhammer (or jaqueshammer) it open
Grenades turned it into rubble
C4 turned it into piles of electronic scrap.

What is this and what can I get out of them?
I heard that they may contain… DIAMOUNDS!!!

I found this to. Very weird. It deserves a note in the wiki, but nobody knows what exactly it is, or what it does.

There should be a book in that lab, learn recipes from it and you can make diamond katanas and knives using that machine.

Sorry for the double post, but i found some IRL info.

CVD stands for Chemical Vapor Deposition, a chemical process that produces high-quality, high-performance sold materials. - Wikipedia

They are able to produce synthetic diamonds, which explains the rumor.

More importantly however, CVD may be able to produce the foremost technologically advanced materials in the entire post-cataclysm world. For example, CVD can produce carbon nano fibers/nanotubes, tungsten, polysilicates, and (in the cataclysm world) superalloys.

Also yes, that would be fucking awesome.

Also yes, that would be fucking awesome.[/quote]
It is a actual thing in game. Unless it changed from 0.9 experimentals to 0.A.

Also yes, that would be fucking awesome.[/quote]
It is a actual thing in game. Unless it changed from 0.9 experimentals to 0.A.[/quote]

It’s a real thing in-game. Diamond Knife/Machete/Katana. Hopefully yours isn’t in an Ice Lab as the process takes quite a while.


Diamond katanas you say? Hmmmm, time to get my samurai on.

Oh hell naw, I’m the Ninja here.

[quote=“Rekozg”]Found one of these,
in an ice lab,
on level one,
the only level.[/quote]


Also that diamond katana… I got that from…