Corpse Tile Questions

It all started because of a 3 days attack on a Mall… The ammount of close quarter duels, tight escapes and corner fights was so much (and fun) that at the end the entire mall was a field of corpses… That I didn’t want to have to fight again so I started the cumbersome job of butchering them… A friend reminded me that smashing them while fighting is faster but I was struck with a problem…

…“Pulped Corpse” is a state of the basic “Corpse”, which in turn, makes the same tile to be applied which in turn makes hard to have a clear idea of which “stacks” have been pulped already (If you butcher them, the tile is replaced by the tainted meat). So as this is an important gameplay feature to visualize I have a bunch of questions:

  • Is the “pulped” state exported to tileset def files so we can add different tiles per state (The way vehicle parts can be defined as “broken”, etc)? If it’s the case which is the correct “state” to appear in the .json file?

  • If corpses can’t be defined as multitile… Has this possibility been planned/studied/discarded at some point in the future/past?

They do not, so far as I know, and that’s a very good idea. I’m not at all sure about how easy it’d be to implement but it’s definitely worth thinking about.