Clean up some of the inappropriate npc dialogues

They seem kinda sensitive.
Want to go save my dog in the zombie infested village?

sure, no problem
want to give me something I can use to go and save your dog, we are friends right?
No way, fucktard!


It wont matter much if NPC’s are removed, but still.

[quote=“marvalis, post:1, topic:223”]They seem kinda sensitive.
Want to go save my dog in the zombie infested village?

sure, no problem
want to give me something I can use to go and save your dog, we are friends right?
No way, fucktard!


It wont matter much if they are removed, but still.[/quote]
this is caused by some dialogue generator I believe its hard coded in I think

For example line 222 of npctalk.cpp

Then there is the dialogue.h file:

Line Number: 183 "no", "fuck no", "hell no", "no way", "not a chance", Line Number: 187 "punk", "bitch", "dickhead", "asshole", "fucker", Line Number: 188 "sucker", "fuckwad", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", "shithead"}; Line Number: 195 "fucking", "goddamn", "motherfucking", "freaking", "damn", "<swear> <swear>", Line Number: 196 "fucking", "fuckin'", "god damn", "mafuckin'"}; Line Number: 199 "fuck", "damn", "damnit", "shit", "cocksucker", "crap", Line Number: 200 "motherfucker", "<swear><punc> <swear!>", "<very> <swear!>", "son of a bitch"}; Line Number: 202 std::string talk_fuck_you[10] = { Line Number: 203 "fuck you", "fuck off", "go fuck yourself", "<fuck_you>, <name_b>", Line Number: 204 "<fuck_you>, <swear> <name_b>", "<name_b>", "<swear> <name_b>", Line Number: 205 "fuck you", "fuck off", "go fuck yourself"}; Line Number: 208 "really", "fucking", "super", "wicked", "very", "mega", "uber", "ultra", Line Number: 212 "really", "fucking", "absolutely", "definitely", "for real", "honestly", Line Number: 394 {"<fuck_you>", &talk_fuck_you},

I’m guessing this is due to the all too common mistake of thinking that adding lots and lots of pointless profanity makes a game more ‘mature’.

Kinda funny actually to see that there’s an entire segment of code devoted to filling people’s dialogue with random juvenile outbursts.

No, it pretty much exists as a joke.


"Hey! I want to talk to you!"
Oh. Okay. Mosey on over to them and ©hat.




Rivet, you’ve got it all wrong. This is adding a pile of pointless profanity for the sake of adding pointless profanity. To be honest, some of the stuff it generates is pretty hilarious.

Although, I do admit, maybe a simple toggle in the options menu to enable or disable profanity.

Hi. I don’t understand this compulsion towards censorship. Having NPCs make more sense is one thing, a list of forbidden words is quite another.

Yeah I really don’t see any need for disabling profanity. I think the inappropriate in the title is more in reference to how the severity of the response is disproportionate to the question. Being told to fuck off and die in a fire you cuntholed assmonger seems a bit much for asking for a lighter.

It’d be cool if the NPCs reactions to you could be measured in a level of profanity. The more they dislike you, the more swear words they use.

Can I have an item?
100 points of liking: "Sorry Sir, but I don’t think I can do that. My apologies"
50 points "Nope."
25 "Fuck no."
10 points "Fuck off and die."
1 point “Fuck you, I hope your father’s zombie skull fucks you to death”

Considering the world’s ended, likely their entire family is dead, everyone they’ve ever known has died and is now trying to eat them, and some fuckwit is demanding they hand over their stuff, I’d say being polite like that is even more inappropriate :stuck_out_tongue:

I do turn into a raging stream of profanity if I do something as simple as drop a book on my foot, so I completely get where the npcs are coming from due to it being the end of the world and they’re stuck inside with an ugly/smelly/truth telling wolf magnet. However, I do think (obviously) an npc clean up is needed. Perhaps if they had more to say/do they wouldn’t need to resort to screaming about my sexual preference for zombies.

Just for the record, I don’t mind profanity as such. It just seemed a bit out of place considering the context of helping out the npc.

I’m sorry if my reply was taken to mean more than I intended. I don’t mean to say that there’s no place for profanity in video games; as already stated the situation you find yourself in during Cataclysm gameplay is the sort that tends to induce salty epithets from even prudish sorts. I mean that currently most NPC dialogues read like all the survivors are afflicted with hollywood style tourette’s syndrome and the fact that there is a whole segment of code devoted to randomizing what they scream at me when I ask to borrow a lighter seems like a funny piece of work.

Maybe there should be a random check to see if an NPC is Canadian then? :stuck_out_tongue:

It just feels forced, like everyone’s trying to be a thug. Having them just throw in profanity during casual conversations feels stupid and wrong. Instead, have them swear profusely when it makes sense- for example, if someone’s surrounded and taking hits, have him scream “Goddamn it motherfucker, get them off me!” If you drive faster than 30 mph one tile from someone, “You crazy son of a bitch!” would be logical.

It just feels forced, like everyone’s trying to be a thug. Having them just throw in profanity during casual conversations feels stupid and wrong. Instead, have them swear profusely when it makes sense- for example, if someone’s surrounded and taking hits, have him scream “Goddamn it motherfucker, get them off me!” If you drive faster than 30 mph one tile from someone, “You crazy son of a bitch!” would be logical.

Where do they live? the middle ages?