Character Creation Block

Having a hard time coming up with new character concepts for Cataclysm at the moment, I would be grateful for any fun character builds other players have designed!

Content with either min/maxed design builds or rp builds, just hit me with them :slight_smile:

My current character is a strength 6 shower victim with a burning building start in a city size of eight.

Lots of stat points with that build, interesting build. May give it a whirl :slight_smile:

Edit: Heh the spat bar slowing you down caught me out first time round. This is round 2.

I started in Winter. With a 91 day season. :wink:

Also, yeah. That frigging towel and soap bar. :stuck_out_tongue:

i allways use computer hacker it give good starting inventory for small points and give enought computer skills to actualy hack into most computers
i start in winter with max season lenght (its easier to store food it do not rot in middle of making jerky alslo its possible to clad some armor on you)
i pick up 14 inteligence
night vision is my favorite trait and with mutagen/cbm instalation fail it will turn into high night vision

I like hard starts, because they aren’t actually hard and because they let me snowball hard later on with all those excess points.
Night vision is one trait that I consider a must have, though robust genetics is also important if you want a strong character later on.
No skills because skills are easy to gain.

One fun to play character I often pick is “spontaneous mutant”:
Experiment scenario, unwilling mutant
Night vision, robust genetics, fleet-footed, unstable genetics

This results in a dude who gains (mostly good) mutations once in a while, most importantly the amazing High Night Vision (lets you craft in total darkness and is incredible in night raids, assassinations and science labs). Fleet-footed is good on its own, but it’s here mostly to prevent getting Ponderous, which is a really bad mutation.

i think unstable genetics and robust genetics shouldbe exclusive xD

Stylish Maid best build.

Make yourself a maid, give yourself whatever stats you want, but make damn sure you have the stylish trait.

Free morale bonuses right off the bat and an excuse to be a maid in an apocalyptic world. What else could you want?

[quote=“Nighthawk, post:8, topic:7600”]Stylish Maid best build.

Make yourself a maid, give yourself whatever stats you want, but make damn sure you have the stylish trait.

Free morale bonuses right off the bat and an excuse to be a maid in an apocalyptic world. What else could you want?[/quote]

Then get the long tail and feline ears mutations. Congrats, you are now a neko maid!

[quote=“Rhodri, post:9, topic:7600”][quote=“Nighthawk, post:8, topic:7600”]Stylish Maid best build.

Make yourself a maid, give yourself whatever stats you want, but make damn sure you have the stylish trait.

Free morale bonuses right off the bat and an excuse to be a maid in an apocalyptic world. What else could you want?[/quote]

Then get the long tail and feline ears mutations. Congrats, you are now a neko maid!

I stand corrected. THAT is the best build. And you, my good sir, are awesome.

The picture isn t fiting because as i understand it the mutation changes your current ears thus one wouldn t end up with 2 pairs /rages

As it happens we have cat-ear headbands already: your pick between fur or leather. Faux tails too.

So if you need two sets of ears, forget the Feline Ears mutation and wear a headband.

Yeah i usualy craft those and wear em also they do not cover anything.
Havin two pairs of ears is an unwanted sideeffect of this .

  • i can t grasp the reason behind wanting 2 pairs … it looks weird why oh why.

I’m trying out a new min/max build, check this out:

really bad day start with a tweaker nets 11 points
fill up the negative traits for another 12 points
That’s 29 starting points

Str 10
Dex 7(shit stat)
Int 20
Per 8(guns are op but I haven’t used them extensively in a long time so I’m not sure if this is so great anymore)

My traits are:
Fleet-footed, quick, robust genetics, night-vision, disease resistant
addictive personality, bad back, truth-teller, trigger-happy, heavy-sleeper, sleepy

[quote=“Bonevomit, post:14, topic:7600”]Str 10
Dex 7(shit stat)
Int 20
Per 8(guns are op but I haven’t used them extensively in a long time so I’m not sure if this is so great anymore)[/quote]

There is no reason to ever get dexterity lower than perception. Their effect on guns is identical, while dex has also a HUGE effect on melee. I was able to melee a tank with a debug char with 8/20/8/8 stats and a dose of meth with only a sharpened stick and no shrubs or skills. If you use martial arts, that is even more important for all sorts of blocks and maneuvers.
There is simply no reason to get perception over dexterity unless you want to throw (not shoot) a lot or you love to stumble into mine fields before you get your trapping skill up. There are some very minor uses other than those, but unless you dig into magma veins, are very interested in NPCs’ stats or want to really heavily optimize your underbrush scavenging gains, there is simply no rational reason to ever get perception above dexterity.

Also, why would you ever get 20 int? Against skill rot you have memory banks bionic and you don’t care that much about learning because you have disease resistant and not optimist/gourmand/fast learner.

I just noticed perception only increments your ranged points by 1 now, so I’m bit behind the times. You’re right then about putting dexterity before perception. My only reason for keeping it up is because I didn’t know trapping skill can be used as a substitute for perception in finding traps, I guess I can drop perception even further now. To-hit isn’t important at all. I’ve rarely seen any enemies that can dodge for shit(biggest problem is early game dogs but I always build for the late game anyway), and with decent melee skills it’s not an issue even if they can.

As for martial arts, dexterity only seems to effect the damage of crane style, and all other effects allow for melee/unarmed skill as a substitute for dexterity.
Strength on the other hand can’t be substituted with skill, so it gets a few extra points(usually I get 14’s on it but I’m doing this experimental intelligence thing this time)

why would you ever get 20 int?
To learn more skills and learn them faster. The memory banks bionic is a pain in the ass(Or so I hear, I've never actually seen it, all the more reason not to count on it), though I don't have much trouble with rust anyway, even at extremely high levels.

I don’t have a lot of options as far as skills go considering I must have at least:
fleet-foot, quick, robust-genetics, and night vision. This leaving me with 4 points for whatever else I want.
I chose disease resistant mostly because I hate dealing with sick characters.
I thought to dump robust genetics and grab something else instead, but tweaking mutations is a pain in the ass enough with it on, trying to get decent mutations without it is probably a nightmare.
I would go for those morale traits but focus hasn’t ever been much of an issue for me.

I switched some stuff around after some thought about all this though:

10 str
8 dex
20 int
5 per

fast learner, fleet foot, quick, robust genetics, night vision
addictive personality, bad back, truth-teller, trigger-happy, heavy-sleeper, sleepy