Challenge mode: Fatal disease

Inspired by the Diabetes thread, I got to thinking. What if there was a mode where your character would be inflicted with terminal cancer, or AIDS, or severe diabetes and only have a short amount of time left to live due to the end of the world? This would make for a lot of roleplaying fun.

Two additional rules I think this would benefit from:

  • Zombies are not interested in your tainted flesh. All zombies are neutral unless directly next to you, or you attack first
  • Randomly selects a disease upon creation. Disease progresses as game goes, inflicting additional penalties and ending in death

I can see this being fun in the future, when NPCs are more fleshed out. For now you might as well just delete your save after two in-game days, or something :stuck_out_tongue:

I can see where you’re coming from but it sounds like a way to shove an arbitrary time limit on. e.g, Day five, rocks fall everyone dies.

As long as it’s actually fully fleshed out I wouldn’t mind seeing it in, just not a ‘your terminal cancer eats your brain. You dead.’ kinda thing.
(e.g, motorneurone diseases begin to effect your movement speed, ranged accuracy etc as your sense of touch begins to dull. Brain cancer gives you hallucinations, etc. AIDS makes you more prone to infections from ANYTHING-- unclean water would essentially be a deathwish, zombie bites would be bacterial nukes by comparison.)

Maybe a timed goal :> find a lab OR hospital for treatment within the allotted time…this does not ‘cure’ you and only delays the inevitable, keep moving to find the next treatment!

time wise would be difficult to balance…press too hard and it’s a grind fest and exploit-y game to stay alive and not enough pressure and it might as well not be in the game

I assumed from the title that it would be a timed goal rather than an inevitable death sentence.

I actually like this a lot as an end-game thing, it’s already been established that everyone is “infected”, but it’s asymptomatic until you die (either that, or that’s the reason the “flu” is so incredibly pernicious).

There could be a time limit (but one only very successful characters would hit, like several months) where the infection becomes acute, and you’d need to race to recover a cure before it does you in.

[quote=“Nopkar, post:4, topic:1146”]Maybe a timed goal :> find a lab OR hospital for treatment within the allotted time…this does not ‘cure’ you and only delays the inevitable, keep moving to find the next treatment!

time wise would be difficult to balance…press too hard and it’s a grind fest and exploit-y game to stay alive and not enough pressure and it might as well not be in the game[/quote]
Yeah, I thought of this too. Using copious amounts of schizo medical tech and experimental drugs to alleviate the symptoms.
I’m actually going to open a new thread on this topic-- Medical experimentation. >=)