Car electricity consumption/generation

There is a place where I can get the information on energy consumption of a car, in example I want to know how many charges consume my electric motor and if I have multiple batteries is better ?, how many charges generate an alternator ?, If I put multiple alternator is better ?, how many charges consume my UPS charging station and the kinds of things, there is a such information anywhere or I need to dig into the code.


not sure, but spawned running electric vehicles are awful for a first car.

they drain too fast and dont spawn with enough charge. gotta have them charged to function in any capacity.

A standard motor will drain a single storage battery in one raid. faster if you have the audacity to use headlights

More batteries is better, unless they are damaged.
Put only the biggest alternator you can. Each alternator works independently and bigger ones have better ratio.

You can find all the stats in data/json/vehicle_parts.json.
Some mechanics require reading src/vehicle.cpp, but stats are all in the file above.