Hello and welcome, please bear in mind that most of these suggestions are mainly to add depth and flavour to this awesome game. Personally I think the current list of clothes is far too small and uncreative. That being said this is my own list of alterations and a very large list of clothes I think should be added
Procedurally generated descriptions
I think clothes should have a procedurally generated descriptions just add depth similar to DF’s random animal descriptions. For example for polo shirt we could have something like… “here is a very large red polo shirt on it is a picture of a former president wearing a very silly hat”
Adaptations to current clothes
Army pants should be replaced by combat fatigues that cover the torso and legs.
Heels should add a character effect that reduces speed by 40% and adds the stumbles modifier.
Head clothes
Bowlers hat
Porkpie hat
Trilby hat
General’s hat
Tricorn hat
Fedora hat
Flat cap
Golden crown
Silver crown
Police hat
Army cap
Square academic cap
Hockey mask
Halloween mask
Torso Clothes
Shirt (casual checkered shirt)
Tube top
Chain mail shirt (made from scrap metal?)
Leather cuirass
Fur cuirass
Silk shirt
Dressing gown
I think that procedurally generated clothes DF style would be great, but I also think that there should be multiple templates, so that they are not all the same. For example:
“Here is a very large red polo shirt on it is a picture of a former president wearing a very silly hat”
“There is a picture of a former president how has a very silly hat, printed on this very large red polo shirt.”
“A silly hat is being worn by the former president, whose image was embroided on this very large red polo shirt.”
Also, you don’t think that we have enough clothes with monocles, dress shoes, walking sticks, blazers, suits and top hats for the cosplaying gentleman. As for the women there are heels, skirts, dress, purses, and possibly more for the elegant (read dead) cosplaying woman.
But the largest consideration, even if you forget everything else, is balance. You must remember to not overpower/underpower anything with have over 9000 storage space for -10 encumberance. (Numbers are exagurated)
The status effects from clothes is an interesting idea, and one that I support. Like stumbler from heels you can also have things like parkour (which is already programmed) from things like ninja suit or catsuit. I bet the rest of the community is just dying for you to program their ideas into it as well, I wanted to have a elephant suit while wearing a mask of Abe Lincoln or Albert Einstien (jk)
If you are going to take these into the game, good luck.
That’s a lot of clothing items. Would certainly justify a few more stores to organize it all.
Detailed opinions:
“Square academic cap”=Mortarboard
Crowns: I take it that these are costume, not real
Halloween mask: plenty of room for procedural generation here
Exotic clothes (Victorian qualifies) are interesting but I’d hope for some benefit to wearing them. If nothing else, a matching ensemble ought to impress the NPCs.
Fairly confident that I can go to the local army-surplus store & find shirts/pants separately. What’s your reasoning for requiring military-gearing players to wear a one-piece thing rather than the existing army pants?
Are Trainers a reskin of Sneakers? IIRC that’s the British for athletic shoes.
[quote=“KA101, post:3, topic:656”]That’s a lot of clothing items. Would certainly justify a few more stores to organize it all.
Detailed opinions:
“Square academic cap”=Mortarboard
Crowns: I take it that these are costume, not real
Halloween mask: plenty of room for procedural generation here
Exotic clothes (Victorian qualifies) are interesting but I’d hope for some benefit to wearing them. If nothing else, a matching ensemble ought to impress the NPCs.
Fairly confident that I can go to the local army-surplus store & find shirts/pants separately. What’s your reasoning for requiring military-gearing players to wear a one-piece thing rather than the existing army pants?
Are Trainers a reskin of Sneakers? IIRC that’s the British for athletic shoes.[/quote]
Currently there are no Military shirts, so I’m up for adding that as an alternative to replacing military pants with full body combat fatigues.
As far as trainers go I’m British so I thought they were different things from sneakers which I assumed were sporty gym shoes.
I think that procedurally generated clothes DF style would be great, but I also think that there should be multiple templates, so that they are not all the same. For example:
“Here is a very large red polo shirt on it is a picture of a former president wearing a very silly hat”
“There is a picture of a former president how has a very silly hat, printed on this very large red polo shirt.”
“A silly hat is being worn by the former president, whose image was embroided on this very large red polo shirt.”
Also, you don’t think that we have enough clothes with monocles, dress shoes, walking sticks, blazers, suits and top hats for the cosplaying gentleman. As for the women there are heels, skirts, dress, purses, and possibly more for the elegant (read dead) cosplaying woman.
But the largest consideration, even if you forget everything else, is balance. You must remember to not overpower/underpower anything with have over 9000 storage space for -10 encumberance. (Numbers are exagurated)
The status effects from clothes is an interesting idea, and one that I support. Like stumbler from heels you can also have things like parkour (which is already programmed) from things like ninja suit or catsuit. I bet the rest of the community is just dying for you to program their ideas into it as well, I wanted to have a elephant suit while wearing a mask of Abe Lincoln or Albert Einstien (jk)
If you are going to take these into the game, good luck.[/quote]
[quote=“Captain Cabinet, post:4, topic:656”][quote=“KA101, post:3, topic:656”]That’s a lot of clothing items. Would certainly justify a few more stores to organize it all.
Detailed opinions:
“Square academic cap”=Mortarboard
Crowns: I take it that these are costume, not real
Halloween mask: plenty of room for procedural generation here
Exotic clothes (Victorian qualifies) are interesting but I’d hope for some benefit to wearing them. If nothing else, a matching ensemble ought to impress the NPCs.
Fairly confident that I can go to the local army-surplus store & find shirts/pants separately. What’s your reasoning for requiring military-gearing players to wear a one-piece thing rather than the existing army pants?
Are Trainers a reskin of Sneakers? IIRC that’s the British for athletic shoes.[/quote]
Currently there are no Military shirts, so I’m up for adding that as an alternative to replacing military pants with full body combat fatigues.
As far as trainers go I’m British so I thought they were different things from sneakers which I assumed were sporty gym shoes.[/quote]
I’m going from memory of Red Dwarf, so hardly the best reference source. “Sneakers”, at least as far as I’d know, is a catch-all term for athletic shoes, without regard to the specific use. They’d probably work out OK on a gym floor–cleats, etc aren’t sneakers.
Daypack: 0 encumbrance. 20 storage. Covers Torso.
Description: Small backpack usually used for travelling over small distances.
“Hoarder” backpack: 3/4 encumbrance. ~200 storage. Covers Torso
Description: Large(Huge) Backpack used when travelling over large distances, quite bulky and hard to move in.
Leather armor: consists of gloves, boots, cuirass, leggins, mask, helmet, arm guards(implemented in cuirass?).
all items give you 0 enc and 0 storage, decent protection against damage. Must be crafted
Spiked gloves: deal additional damage while unarmed, enc 1.