Can't download the game (Solved)

Everytime the download is about to finish i get an error in the download that says “forbidden” like i dont have access to the file or something.

Which link did you use?

The one in the github, the latest experimental.

You mean the one that says: “Binaries were deleted due to #48291”?

I will try to take an screenshot

The last file, the one for windows x64

Ah, so it’s not the latest (#11558), but build 11552, and not directly from github, but from the main page Experimental Builds .

And you’re trying to download that onto your PC or onto your phone?

Give me a moment to check…

Yep, currently with not wifi for at least another month and i was trying to download the installer and then transfer the files to my pc.

So, for me it downloads fine.

Hm, I’m not sure how well a (or your) phone deals with downloading medium sized zip files.
Is this the first time you try this?

Maybe its something related to chrome thinking of the downloaded file as a virus or something, i will check the settings and see if it can be downloaded now, can you give the link to the latest version? Sorry to bother you.

It’s very well possible that it tries to open the file and notices that it’s “not suited to run on this phone” and then stops the download.

Do to the bug that prevents player data from being saved, the latest playable version seems to be the one you’re trying to download (download for build 11552).

If it still does not work, I see two possible alternatives to do this;

  • I’ll download it and reupload it with a different file format, so it does not try to unzip it on download (it might still get removed if chrome or your anti-virus software can’t scan it properly).
  • You can send me a private message including your email adress, and I’ll send it to you attached to a mail. If you have a email client installed on your phone, it might gets through.

I would really appreciate the second one, give one moment please.

Can you send me a pm so i can easily send my e-mail?

Sure, one second.

You can publish your email address. Maybe someone will send you APK by email?:relaxed:

Er, it should be. Exe?

Im already using the android version but the controls are…not really comfy to use :stuck_out_tongue: for that reason im looking for the win version haha

That’s a great way to get spam… believe me, I know…

@CatherineKrawler your mail was bounced back by google because the attachment was to big. I’ll check the max size and split it up.
You’ll have to puzzle it back together once it’s getting through…

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could always attempt a workaround like google drive.