Building Editor

This is a wonderful program and I would love to see it updated to current mapgen.

Here’s my crappy attempt at getting the latest version in vache’s repository (2 years old) to work:

I don’t know how much changed since then, but the newer version seems to have some initial work on overmap support (it doesn’t seem to be working), support for rubble and similar extras and seems to be less slow than the version in OP.

I’m not sure if I bundled all the necessary libraries in my release.
I don’t understand Qt (the graphics library used) well, but I might be able to get the editor back into tolerable shape.

It gives that error when trying to execute it.

Edit: And 0xc000007b when just using the exe with the old one.

I’m working on a new map editor, aiming for an alpha release sometime this week.

I can’t seem to attach an image or link directly to an external site, but here’s a sneak peek:

Only rendering ASCII tiles right now, but planning to add tileset support soon :smiley:

Update: here’s the pre-release if you want to test it out!

Hi, I’ve just downloaded and run the .exe, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I get the screen to select my map, which I did, but doesn’t do much afterwards. Any clue to what I’m doing wrong?

I drew up a quick tutorial that should hopefully explain how to get started:

Been busy at work this week so haven’t been able to work on polishing it up, so it isn’t very good at recovering from any errors yet, but hopefully should be able to get some work done on it over the 4th of July break!

I’ve followed your tutorial, but it doens’t work. I’m on PC though, fyi. When I start it up it asks me to select to folder/map in which save, config and data reside. Which I select, but it doens’t follow through. The screen keeps to [select the…] without going further. I’ve found some config files in the %appdata%\cdda-edit and after deleting them I could reselect the folder again, but to no avail. Is there maybe a dependency I’m missing or st alike?

Making locations with this is extremely easy to do. Is great.
I expect people will make mods with more locations soon.