Bug Repellant

Talking about adding more giant insects, specially the assassin bug, which I think looks awesome. And a bug repellent type item came up, something along the lines of this https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Repel. That would either make the bugs flee or just ignore you.

What would be better, making them flee from you or just ignore you?
What level of chemistry and what stuff should the recipe have?

A recipe could looks like this:

1x thyme oil
1x mugwort oil
1x vinegar
1x water/clean water

1 tool with boiling quality of 2
surface_heat (10 charges)

5 survival
3 cooking

And uses cooking skill.

Depends on the bug, depends on the repellent.

I would suggest something like what you gave (“natural” stuff) that just makes them treat you like you are farther away (don’t pay attention to you until you are closer, don’t become hostile to you until you are even closer).

I would also suggest something “harsher” that actively makes them flee (and perhaps actually does them damage if they spend time too close to you), but also is somehow unpleasant for the character - damages health, fumes that could be implemented as mouth encumbrance, mildly hallucinogenic, etc, possibly even occasional damage if it’s sufficiently nasty stuff.

Please elaborate.

[quote=“deoxy, post:2, topic:14035”]I would suggest something like what you gave (“natural” stuff) that just makes them treat you like you are farther away (don’t pay attention to you until you are closer, don’t become hostile to you until you are even closer).

I would also suggest something “harsher” that actively makes them flee (and perhaps actually does them damage if they spend time too close to you), but also is somehow unpleasant for the character - damages health, fumes that could be implemented as mouth encumbrance, mildly hallucinogenic, etc, possibly even occasional damage if it’s sufficiently nasty stuff.[/quote]

So one to have ignore you unless you are on its face. And another one to make them flee?

The making damage part I think would damage horribly the player too. And I like the idea of giving hallucinogenic effects when applied.


Done >_>

Tear gas should probably harm bug as well.

Liquid nicotine is also an effective insecticide.