Bridge pavement not flat

Bridge pavement, doesnt count as flat for rollerblades, instead it counts as rough like grass or dirt. I guess given its basically the same thing as roads, which are flat, it should be so.

version: f8fcbdf

(thats two days ago or so)

No idea if its sdl or curses. Just downloaded from here:

Do roller-blades work at all? I didn’t think they had any special flags ATM…

They directly modify the movecost based on their id right now.

They work well. You are able to outrun everything but a feral hunter on a road. Dont melee in it, though, and dont go off road (some buildings are fine, though)

While we are at it, sneakers dont modify move cost, despite their description, righ?

Sneakers used to give negative encumbrance, which was stupid. didn’t get around to fixing the description, though it’s pretty appropriate for them to claim to help while doing nothing.

They directly modify the movecost based on their id right now.[/quote]

Yeah, I forgot about that list. Threw it in with the current merge, so should be fixed in latest experimental. Thanks.

Sneakers used to give negative encumbrance, which was stupid. didn't get around to fixing the description, though it's pretty appropriate for them to claim to help while doing nothing.
Skirt too. Funny old times...