Boars - Oink, oink!

Just as the title suggests: Boars!

Wild boars could be found in forests, would be quite dangerous in close quarters (they are sons of boars IRL!) and would prove the survivor with another source of bone, sinew, meat and also [glow=red,2,300]BACON[/glow]!

A nice way to give the forests even more interesting, and not that hard to do, I think?

I’d like boars (memories of STALKER…), but they’re native to the Southern US and not New England.

It does give me a good idea for a pig farm though…

To my recollection, while boar ARE more common in the southern United States they’re a fairly invasive species and domestic pigs will revert to a feral state pretty quickly (there’s also been intentional releases of wild ‘Russian Boar’ for hunting which have interbred with the feral pigs.)

Without significant human hunting, containment and intervention I wouldn’t be surprised to see populations of escaped or even migratory hogs becoming visible within a couple of years (sooner if local pig farms are involved.) Though by that time, I’d rather expect them to be somewhat altered by the effects of the Catalysm itself.

[quote=“jokermatt999, post:2, topic:7967”]I’d like boars (memories of STALKER…), but they’re native to the Southern US and not New England.

It does give me a good idea for a pig farm though…[/quote]

So are rattlesnakes, their in game.

Boars would be cool bu we have plenty of things to hunt for their meats already. I like it but wouldn’t consider it an important feature.

If static monster spawns are reworked and critter numbers change, it’d be nice to see something besides deer all the time. I’d wait on adding boars as the current system just kind of plops everything everywhere.