Blimps, Dirigbles, and Hot Air Balloons!

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:18, topic:1578”]

(trap, domestication with honey, or a lab mind control device.)

Royal jelly? HARVEST BEE PHEROMONES FROM THE HIVE, become new queen of the bees. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz[/quote]


Hey you! Quit zzzzealing my ideazzzz!

<hazz eaten too much a lot of Royal Jelly, wazzhed it down with zzzome Mutagen, and izz a half-bee Queen already>

That’s pretty fly. /LAUGHTRACK

My girlfriend’s a beekeeper, this is a common theme in my life hahaha. They’re so cute. But I’m derailing shit from dirigibles again, wherp.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:19, topic:1578”]Bee mutation line?

I just want something that floats so a bear doesn’t climb in and say “Hai”[/quote]

You can’t hide from Basement Bear™

Not helium. Hydrogen.

Also, it’s ultralight weight carbon fibre frames.

But your right, maybe siphon it off from existing blimps that are parked or giant storage a tanks nearby?

I would to prefer hyper dangerous planes of various shapes and sizes. Imagine the mechanical possibilities with those.
Assuming we wouldn’t really care about lift/drag or any complex crap like that, we could simply have an equation.
Engine power X number of wings = lift
lift must be greater than mass for the plane to leave the ground.
As long as we don’t have pitching/rolling or balancing it should be easy to implement once we have a semi working Z level system.

Perhaps handling could be

number of wings/weight = manuverability

It would be much more fun if all of the engine components slowly lost durability while flying. (mid flight in an airliner fixing an engine)

You fumble with the controls.
You fumble with the controls.
You fumble with the controls.
The vehicle is upside down!
You fumble with the controls.
You fumble with the controls.
You hear a loud crash from the north.
You are thrown from the vehicle.

Hydrogen I figured, yeah. Again, can’t remember which one is already in game.

Oh man, imagine that, stumbling out into a huge field and there’s a road down the middle, but it’s got little blue lights along and suddenly you realize you’re on an airstrip and there are pilot zombies shambling about, between you, several winged wrecks, and a lone, blimp anchored down just beyond easy reach.

I’m a beekeeper and it is swarm season so I have lots of extra work.

Yeah, Z-levels need sorted first though.

Hydrogen is very producible. All you need is electricity and water. :stuck_out_tongue: And maybe a system to catch it. :stuck_out_tongue: