Autoclave pouch drops unreasonably rare?

i feel like that overcomplicates the system even further though. either its clean or its not… its sterile (in the bag) or its not. I’ve never found autoclave pouches unreasonably rare (i find hundreds of pouches before I’ve even fished out 5-10 CBM’s from zombies) and having a limit to the amount you can find technically nerfs the overall effectiveness of CBM’s in general (they can be way too strong)


OMG looted two labs, found three autoclaves and not a single pouch!

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Only two? Come back when you looted twenty and still haven’t found a single pouch :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously, though, with labs now being less common, pouch drop rate could use a buff.

There is no logical reason why you can’t effectively sterilize a CBM in a (slightly modified) glass jar or something similar. Glass jars and beakers are used in autoclaving right, left and center IRL.

It does make sense, however, that overriding autodock to work with a jar might require quite some knowledge, and would likely risk an infection if the CBM was NOT, in fact, properly sterilized.