Attempting to mod subway system

I wanted to build a large vehicle to navigate the subway system while staying out of the sunlight as a trog, but the tracks cannot be driven over with a normal wheeled vehicle. I considered using a train vehicle but decided this to be unsuitable for a few reasons. The solution I am attempting to implement is to replace all of the train track tiles with rock floor. I was successful in doing this on the bottom level of the subway stations, but I cannot seem to find where the rest of the subway network is defined in the game files. Does anyone know where I can find the needed files or have a suggestion for a better method to acheive my goal? Thanks in advance.

That would be because subways are hardcoded.

There is a WIP PR to move them to json (Json subway by Procyonae · Pull Request #68496 · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA · GitHub), but it’s tough business.

So I would have to edit the source code to change them? That should be possible right? I’m a novice coder at best but I might be able to figure that out if it’s not too complicated.

Correct, you’ll probably want to follow the compiling guide. Cataclysm-DDA/doc/COMPILING/ at a9a11202e2925b0867293917d90f73cfd5849484 · CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA · GitHub

I’ll give it a shot. Thank you for the assistance.

So I looked at that stuff for a while, but decided to try something simpler first, which worked. I went into the “terrain-railroads.json” and changed the “move_cost” value from “3” to “2” which allowed me to drag a test shopping cart over the tracks unimpeded. Just thought I’d post this solution in case anyone else needs and comes looking for it. Thanks again!