An Odd Mapgen Error

Hello. I seem to posses a slight problem, having received this error.

src/main_menu.cpp:1060 [bool main_menu::load_character_tab(bool)] Error: data/mods//Miscellaneous Magiclysm Expansions/mapgen/mapsettings.json: line 26:1: requested non-existing member “type”


Here is the file from which it originated:

“field”: {
“chance”: 6,
“extras”: {
“mx_helicopter”: 6,
“mx_military”: 2,
“mx_science”: 1,
“mx_collegekids”: 3,
“mx_drugdeal”: 3,
“mx_supplydrop”: 4,
“mx_portal”: 1,
“mx_crater”: 15,
“mx_portal_in”: 1,
“mx_point_dead_vegetation”: 50,
“mx_grass”: 700,
“mx_trees”: 100,
“mx_fallen_shed”: 20,
“mx_pond”: 20,
“mx_point_burned_ground”: 50,
“mx_casings”: 20,
“mx_corpses”: 3,
“mx_deadsum”: 3
How doth one rid themselves of it?

You are using broken mod. Either disable it or contact mod maintainer/author to fix it.

How is this broken? I am
this modifications manager, how could I repair it?

See example of valid format for regional_overlay in one of bundled mods - e.g.

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