Advanced Tips for the Accomplished Survivor

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:120, topic:9357”]Hmm. I suppose one could get rust in your “what I had for breakfast” skill overnight, but yeah. I haven’t bothered with skill rust much at all. Partly because I forget which versions can drain skill experience but not LEVELS.

And back on topic, I’m taking more and more of a liking to reach weapons.[/quote]

IntCap’s the one that only drains experience. I kind of like having it since I recall not using any type of skill rust quickly put skills at too high a level where a surviving becomes a bit too easy.

Ah right, might be interesting to do a game with that. Though sometimes part of the fun for me is eventually becoming a demigod. More often than not, it’s when my immediate area has run out of interesting places to explore, and when my supplies stabilize, that I start getting bored. @_@

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:120, topic:9357”]Hmm. I suppose one could get rust in your “what I had for breakfast” skill overnight, but yeah. I haven’t bothered with skill rust much at all. Partly because I forget which versions can drain skill experience but not LEVELS.

And back on topic, I’m taking more and more of a liking to reach weapons.[/quote]

The problem is really that skill rust shouldn’t drain your skill at all - it should be a penalty that goes away fairly quickly as you do things with that skill. That is, I don’t forgot how to do something, I’m just “rusty” - I don’t have to relearn it, I just do it once or twice and go “oh yeah, I remember this”.

Haven’t done it in a few years? Yeah, ok, maybe I actually forgot some stuff… maybe. Or maybe, I just need to perform the activity a few more times to get back at it. A master electrician doesn’t have to spend 5 years apprenticing again because he hasn’t done it in years, he spends a couple of days, maybe a week, brushing up.

So basically more like temporary negative levels?

Something along those lines, yeah. Relearning something never takes as long as learning it the first time (short of brain damage, where you are literally re-learning it…).

That would be interesting if we had a skill rust variant like that, yeah.

If you could relearn things at a vastly accelerated pace I would welcome skill rust as another dimension to the game but as it is in CDDA(and most of the skill rust including games I have played) it really bothersome.

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relearning forgotten skills at increased speed would be a good way to smooth the roughness of skill rust. I agree 100% Despite all my big talk, I have yet to get a survivor far enough that Skill rust became a MAJOR problem. I hate 1 character get to the point of constant maintenance, though to be fair I was holding all but 2-3 skills at 1+ levels and I think one as high as 8 or more

The “Contact us” command available in the evac shelter will mark the location of the refugee center, allowing you to start the NPC quests much faster.

It is possible to find a deformed fetus in the kitchen trashcan of a restaurant.

Possibly other trashcans as well.

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[quote=“Graphical, post:130, topic:9357”]It is possible to find a deformed fetus in the kitchen trashcan of a restaurant.

Possibly other trashcans as well.[/quote]
I wonder the backstory on that one…

[quote=“Noctifer, post:131, topic:9357”][quote=“Graphical, post:130, topic:9357”]It is possible to find a deformed fetus in the kitchen trashcan of a restaurant.

Possibly other trashcans as well.[/quote]
I wonder the backstory on that one…[/quote]

[quote=“deknegt, post:132, topic:9357”][quote=“Noctifer, post:131, topic:9357”][quote=“Graphical, post:130, topic:9357”]It is possible to find a deformed fetus in the kitchen trashcan of a restaurant.

Possibly other trashcans as well.[/quote]
I wonder the backstory on that one…[/quote]

Internet skills: clicking on links which were sent as answers to “how did the deformed fetus get there.”