Advanced Tips for the Accomplished Survivor

It works on the current 0.C…

Want to win every melee fight? Drag a shopping cart behind you! Mobile 400 time units obstacle for anyone trying to get to you is … EVIL! And, well, I like it.

Until they smash it, yeah.

Seriously, it’s nice, but be aware that they sometimes attack it instead of walking on it, and eventually, it will be destroyed.

Until they smash it, yeah.

Seriously, it’s nice, but be aware that they sometimes attack it instead of walking on it, and eventually, it will be destroyed.[/quote]

You can also craft a wooden frame from nothing but two by fours and nails and drag that behind you from day 1. It used to be a complete cheat. Now the game makes noise when your cart doesn’t have wheels but the idea still works.

THE easiest way to get lots of rope is to disassemble a boxing ring.
Although now that cargo carriers are plentiful on trucks it’s a moot point unless you’re digging stairs.

Here I was shooting LAW rockets at the nukes in missile silos so I could get their plutonium- thanks for the new source of plutonium mining.[/quote]
I wish that there was an actual way to mine. I mean we have the means to make our own underground places why can’t we mine metals and whatnot.
Anyways I find that with the new aiming system use aimed shots only if you have the distance to allow it. If an enemy is 5 tiles away or something like that prefer to just fire away.

If you’re using a light weapon like a pistol, it’s often worth aiming (with ‘.’) until the enemy is adjacent. Point-blank shots are devastating.

If you’re using a light weapon like a pistol, it’s often worth aiming (with ‘.’) until the enemy is adjacent. Point-blank shots are devastating.[/quote]
And for some reason the only times I can get a headshot on something.

And for some reason the only times I can get a headshot on something.[/quote]
Indeed, it is sorta humorous how the best way to use firearms are as backup melee weapons.

One problem I have is that for some reason when I read those books my character does not want to learn the style.

And for some reason the only times I can get a headshot on something.[/quote]
Indeed, it is sorta humorous how the best way to use firearms are as backup melee weapons.[/quote]

Historically, the end of the armored knight was the fielding of pistoliers, not the crossbow or even the longer firearms.

Or sure, those had an effect (the concept of “half plate” was to mitigate weight, as speed became so much more important, but they kept the main plates), but in close combat, armored melee fighters still had their place… until men with multiple single-shot pistols cheaply trumped them.

So yeah, it actually makes more sense than you’d think.

Though the re-development of armies professional enough to hold formation and fend off cavalry with spear or pike (or pike and shot) certainly helped. owo

Oh sure, there were many, MANY developments that affected things, but dedicated melee combatants wearing heavy metal plate armor for the benefit of being well protected in melee combat were still fielded, just in more specific ways (as they were more vulnerable while getting to close combat).

The advent of the (relatively) low-skill pistolier, with his (relatively) cheap gear that completely trumped the much higher trained and much more expensively equipped melee fighter was the end of that.

At the army level, a cheap, available, expendable guy that beats an expensive, time-consuming-to-train means that the expensive, time-consuming-to-train guy means you don’t field the second one anymore, at all.

Even in melee, the firearm is the most amazing weapon ever made… right up until you run out of ammo, of course.

And that too, the training and cost. owo

Here is a tip I use whenever I set up a static base:
Set up a generator and hook up all your crafting stations to it!

It will save you SO much time cutting down trees and crafting charcoal by attaching a FOODCO, RV kitchen, Onboard Chemistry and Forge, a welding rig and a recharging station (Saves making batteries to boot).

Then attach an engine (Or two) and a heap of batteries (Truck, storage, car, whatever you have.) a few gas tanks, and a bunch of solar panels.

I have survived about 40 days (49 counting pre-generator) and it has only once been below 50% (And that was before I installed the panels.)
I attached a picture of mine, built it in a public works compound. (If it attached anyways)

Now some tips for the generator:
a:Attach a roof over the gas tanks! I once had a great base, tried to do some remodeling and basically nuked myself. Instant KO from falling debris exploding the gas tank.

b: Seal the engine component with a muffler away from your breathing space. For me I built some wooden walls, and plugged the hole with an opaque ‘Board’ attachment in a spare room. No exhaust fumes to worry about!

c:Protect the generator. Make sure to block windows and doors leading to it (I use wooden walls.)
You don’t want a hulk or zombear to destroy your generator, especially the gas tanks (See a: )

d:Wires. You can use wires to connect most (If not all) needed components, AND you can build through doors/windows. This allows you to have a protected engine/fuel tanks and still have solar power! Plus Wires are cheaper than frames.

e: Lights!Just use floodlights to give you all the light you could ever need, to read, craft, see zombies, etc.

f:Cameras! I haven’t tried it yet, but you could probably make a perimeter defense using these and some turrets.

g: Attach tons of batteries, and cover every engine with alternators!
Each engine should have 1 of every alternator (Motorbike, car, truck)to generate as much power as possible, and you should have as many batteries as you can spare to hold it all!

My generator has (As an example):
Battery: Truck, Car, Swappable Storagex2, Sml Storage, Medium Storage, Storage.
Gasoline Engine with 3 Full size tanks
13x solar panel, 1x upgraded solar panel
2x mini-fridge, RV kitchen, FOODCO, Welding Rig, Elec Forge, ChemLab, Recharge Station,2x Cargo space, a Water Tank and 2x floodlights.

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Welding rig on a solar-powered vehicle is also a beautiful combination. owo


Ah well the picture didn’t attach, but seriously I have been using that to store up for winter (Winter is coming, after all.) and I can’t imagine how many batteries I would have gone through (I have like 350 dehydrated goods) without the geny.

Just always keep an eye on your gas.

I do wonder how many panels and batteries you need to consistently ensure you’ll always have power to spare, though.