Adding DVDs and functional televisions

Pretty much just a morale boosting thing, like having it on within 3 tiles of you for a bonus while you’re crafting. I was thinking it could run off vehicle power. As for dvds, they could provide a huge morale bonus for first viewings with diminishing returns for repeated viewings. This idea brought to you by FoodPerson™


This along with the post about bringing in consoles/games would be nice additions to the game.

It be a nice way to boost moral and help pass the time.


hmm yes. CDDA is definitely a game that needs the ability to (imply) rabbit-holing itself into an endless loop of characters playing CDDA


Oh man. My quality of life would be vastly improved if I could watch all the Rush Hour movies while I salt sixty pounds of razorclaw.


I guess everyone agrees that more entertainment options should be added for the survivor.
It would be a really fun and interesting medium to late game option, to collect different games, dvd’s or blue-ray movies, cd or vynil music albums, literature or fiction books, etc, for your character personal fun.

The question is: Who will code it?

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If we’re compiling entertainment options I’d like to suggest audio books as well.

Beyond entertainment, access to educational DVDs or audio books could be a skill training option for illiterate characters.


Very true, and possibly a another means of exploring the lore with Recorded DVDs showing the events leading up to the current game. Like videos of the first zombies that where uploaded online, or lab experiments tapes detailing different findings.

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