I’m going to keep this simple due to my lack of understanding of biology and the games coding.
To the point, would it be an interesting/good idea to have a vitamin system change based on a players biology?
As with the current system’ the longer you go without a certain type of vitamin, a nasty symptom will appear to reflect this; the longer you endure without fullfilling it, the worse it will be.
So hitting -4800 will show the early symptoms, -5600 for mild symptoms, -6400 for worse symptoms, -12000 for the extreme symptoms.
Comparatively, each vitamin type is scaled differently from each other. So some vitamin deficiencies may show earlier than later.
For example: Iron caps at -12000, with the earliest symptoms appearing at -4800. Where as Vitamin C caps at -5600, showing it’s earliest symptoms at -2800.
So to rephrase, could and should these different vitamin types adjust’ based on the different biologies of players?
So, carnivorous mutants would have a lower cap to their Iron requirements. Herbivores with their A and B type requirements. An cyborgs’ I imagine, would require little in terms of vitamins, especially as their body is slowly replaced with mechanical parts. That’ or the removal of their brains into a robotic metal casket. Which I’m sure will lead to an even greater reduction to their needs for food or vitamins overall.
It’s a rough idea, and I don’t know if it holds any ground. So it be interesting to learn more of what everyone thinks.