About Chinese characters

Some problem here~


There’s a lot of back-end work we’d need to do to make this happen, but if we have people willing to do the translation side of things, it’s something we can shoot for. This would also be needed if people from the russian community want a translated version. Also it would be a great feature for the game, because we could have millions of characters to chose from when drawing tiles (though we might have to bundle up a font or something to make sure all the characters would render).

@Soron we’d also need getline support throughout the project to make translations work, though from what I understand that’s more gruntwork than widening character handling will be.

Finally, I don’t think this would work without unifying the input layer for the game, otherwise there’d just be too many places in the code to keep in synch.

I found that China player already fixed it.

Asking how to do that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! If you can tell us how they enabled Unicode support, then it would have a much higher chance of making it into the official version :).

Github it!

Because, in the immortal words of some actor or other:



