A way to know # of Z in town

Or mobile phones/minor electronic implants/wearable tech. It might not be everyone that has them, but you can track all the mobile phones in an area, and everyone has one of those these days.

I don’t think it’s technically unreasonable, but I can’t seen an immediate point too it as it is.

True, the feds can track just about everyone these days via their cellphones. Of course you can take the battery out and they can’t track you. Clothing, food, invisible spray, etc. can also be used. So yeah I guess it wouldn’t be a problem to implement some way to show all or at least most of the zed in a town via a PDA app which accesses the satellite network.

neat ideas, I particularly like the idea of using the binoculars for scouting beyond the area you can see directly.
gps and such is a bit out there, it takes a LOT of hardware to keep something like that going, even if it is made to be disaster resistant.
the only way I could see enabling something like that would be in a military bunker, that would be a pretty cool mid/end game thing to be able to do, maybe find the largest concentration of Zs to decide the target zone for a nuke.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:23, topic:5250”]neat ideas, I particularly like the idea of using the binoculars for scouting beyond the area you can see directly.
gps and such is a bit out there, it takes a LOT of hardware to keep something like that going, even if it is made to be disaster resistant.
the only way I could see enabling something like that would be in a military bunker, that would be a pretty cool mid/end game thing to be able to do, maybe find the largest concentration of Zs to decide the target zone for a nuke.[/quote]

With the way integrated cities are going I don’t think it’s too out there. Imagine things like foursquare (or generally geotagging) but then if they were extremely common - like facebook, not everyones on it, but most people are (giving you a general number). Again, I think it’d need more stuff like the military bunker to justify it, but it could lead to interesting possibilities.

Do you live in a cave? Didn’t you hear about electronic passport and RFID?
It’s only matter of time, chip that can be implanted even in bloodstream.
And of course, those who spend so much money on this shit, make every effort to convince the public\society that it needed it.
This is already slowly introduced. In some USA schools control system based on RFID tags, as I heard.

Well um, I think the population signs are pretty cool, could tear them down for wood and nails and plastic maybe, I live in Sydney, Australia, and there are signs saying ‘here is X-ville’ but no population ones. Would just be an estimate using the number of houses and buildings etc. with a bit of noise like they use to make the city sizes, maybe that very same fuzz could be directly linked to the signs number, honestly I don’t care how it works, I just want it.

Don’t GPS systems work with satellites and other stuff that might not work since, well you know…

Hacking into police systems might be cool, especially if they were just connected to some sort of federal, military, whatever system which had info on every city, but locked the police out from everything but their town, and you could hack into it with a higher level to find out a, once again, ~number of the next cities population, but there would need to be like town names in the world gen, that would actually be pretty cool.

You guys just gave me another thought too, I might make a new thread for it, but what if most of a city was empty, and there was a football field in the middle of it with every zombie locked in because it could have made a good disaster plan, and there were terminals hooked up to the military or federal system of every person ever, and it could tell you how many were in there and if you could hack into it, check out the next cities population, using the same system as above. Kinda off topic, kinda still on topic.

I certainly think that the police terminals and population signs are great ideas though. Support.

Police terminals and population signs seem to be two ideas that everyone likes :smiley:

What about some kind of remote control drone with a cam on it? Tech is certainly feasible, craft it up with high enough skills and send it off to check a say 3x3 or 5x5 map area. Population numbers pre cataclysm seem to be a bit of a bad thing to go off, what with the whole panicked running about thing people would be doing

Well, we have eyebots already ( http://www.wiki.cataclysmdda.com/index.php?title=Eyebot ) so it’d just be a matter of somehow using them to go explore for you.

I always wanted to (a)ctivate binoculars and have the map pop up, allowing me to select a square on the map (limited range, of course) and have it read to me what is seen. Like if I select a gun store, my character will see some zombies and some valuable items.

Just a silly thought though, would be pretty hard to implement.

[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:30, topic:5250”]I always wanted to (a)ctivate binoculars and have the map pop up, allowing me to select a square on the map (limited range, of course) and have it read to me what is seen. Like if I select a gun store, my character will see some zombies and some valuable items.

Just a silly thought though, would be pretty hard to implement.[/quote]

Im pretty sure Kevin wants that pretty badly, so its gonna make it in eventually.


[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:32, topic:5250”]I SAID IT FIRST ALL CREDIT GOES TO ME

