The Wiki Thread

Thanks KA101, I’ll keep with that from now on.

I don’t deserve all the credit, you’ve been a really big help with the wiki on top of all the great work you do with actually making Cataclysm.

Which I should really be playing, my first 3 chars for 0.B all died the Saturday before I started on the wiki. Real big difference to my 0.9 girl I have retired after playing on and off for a while. This brings me to an important request:

Please someone, anyone, make a tutorial for Hordes!

I can still see my third char taking the first ten steps out of the shelter towards the nearest town far to the South across an empty plane. I check my map and my first reaction is: “Oh Gods, half the town is coming for me!” I just ran and ran hoping to lose them, first to the West and then the North after running into a Nether spawn. Into the territory of a ant nest, completely unsure if they’re still following and desperate to find someplace safe. And then Moose. The End.