Zombie mutation?

from what i understand the blob uses the flesh and body of creatures as a shell to conquer the world, instead of changing the world it just eats it. the zombies don’t eat because the blob fuels them from a different plane. the part that keeps the blob from using humans as a shell when alive is that they have willpower and suppress the blob. why cant willpower that suppress it go the other way? deep down we fear the blob from controlling us but i think we should embrace it such as a marloss berry. i believe we can subjugate the blob within ourselves to provide a way to become stronger, strong enough to survive in this vicious world. the way to enlightenment shouldn’t be as easy as drink a supplement 3 times a day. it should come natural such as we evolve with it. i believe we should have a serum, that once applied it awakens our minds to the presence of the blob and allows us the insight into controlling and using the blob to benefit us. there are great risks as the blob may want to control us or allow us to become stronger as the stronger we become the stronger the blob will be once we fall to it, may that be from over confidence or death. you will be fighting for supremacy within your own body against the blob but with willpower we will adapt and overcome.

we can make a mutation that acts like genetically unstable that only targets certain mutations, right?

While there probably isn’t going to be “mutations” in that sense for the other factions (even the Mycus ones aren’t actually the same in-game lore-wise mechanism for changing your body, since all the other mutations are caused by the blob) we do have at least fairly well-laid down plans for how you could “join” many of the various factions.

Pretty neat. It’s already quite nice that you could do a number of things with the outpost faction.

Zombies probably should probably have a thick-skin trait from all their whumping of hard surfaces.

Alternately, I think it would be really neat if you could start your next game as your murderer, if you get killed by an NPC. You’d have the benefit of getting everything on your corpse and knowing where your base or car is, but you’d have to deal with the random stats, skills, perks and mutations the NPC gets.

Meta-natural selection?

While there probably isn’t going to be “mutations” in that sense for the other factions (even the Mycus ones aren’t actually the same in-game lore-wise mechanism for changing your body, since all the other mutations are caused by the blob) we do have at least fairly well-laid down plans for how you could “join” many of the various factions.[/quote]Where?

The plans aren’t necessarily all in one location, they’re kinda scattered about (and as time goes by some of them get replaced with slightly better ideas, nothing is truely “solid” until it actually gets into the game, just more or less widely canonized). To sum it up briefly:

Blob - Not really gonna happen, as noted in this thread. That said zombies aren’t exactly the most intelligent of creatures, so you might be able to fool some on a local scale. Maybe eventually have a sub-branch of the slime mutation set that lets you get into a position where you could possibly “hijack” a small number of zeds or blobs (though it would be useless against the faction at large).

Mycus - Already in game. Open up the fungal mutation and you’ll join them (and as we get around to a changing world and more fungal content this will expand more).

Triffids - Eventual goal is to fight your way to a triffid heart and then convince it that you aren’t going to bend to its will. At that point it might be willing to give you quests that could allow you to win its trust (and possibly some other hearts’ as well, but not all of them, they aren’t exactly the most trusting or friendly bunch); at least up until the point where it backstabs you. Triffid hearts are eventually planned to be much closer to NPC type characters than monsters that just happen to be hostile at the start, (though hopefully much more stable and a bit more alien than our current NPC’s! :P).

Horrors - Not gonna happen. Might end up with some horrors of the “follow the relic” type that you could harness by stealing their artifact, but you aren’t going to be befriending amigara horrors anytime soon and each one is its own little group.

Mi-go - Don’t get slaughtered when their invasion comes. Present yourself as a willing second-class citizen at one of their outposts and convince them that you can stand on your own without being a slave (and don’t let them find out you’ve murdered any Mi-go’s, that’s a good ticket to an execution).

Shadows - Not gonna happen, they’re just too strange for anyone to reason with now, be they denizen or earthling.

And that’s about it for the moment.

Cool, thanks. I’m working on a mod (in between build tool fixes) that adds another endgame possibility to those, so it’s good to know about.