Woodburys, Ricktatorships

There should be enclaves of people in the game to trade with, not just one or two NPCs encountered randomly, but very rare survival shelters filled with people.

A leader, underlings, traders, things like that.

The leaders could be Manson types, Governor types, Peaceful types, etcetera, etcetera…

But the programming isn’t there yet. Alas, poor Yorick. My father’s favorite jester.

You forgot about Terminus.

In Cata, I make my own Terminus, thank you very much. They’re ALL terminus when I arrive. Cannibal trait for the win.


Fine, fine. We will give them the monicker of soylent green town. But admit it, if you ever played that old medieval norway roguelike, you ate people.

It’s hard not to, them being delicious.

[quote=“TheGrifter, post:5, topic:5950”]Fine, fine. We will give them the monicker of soylent green town. But admit it, if you ever played that old medieval norway roguelike, you ate people.

It’s hard not to, them being delicious.[/quote]

always killed the guys in red without a problem, never ate them because i always had plenty of fish (nearly 80 in fishing!)

Any idea when AI will fully be implemented (what exactly is on the agenda before the AI?)? Also I hear, Cataclysm 2 will have factions

I don’t wait till Cata 2 to eat delicious faction meat. I want it now. And a golden goose. And a flat-black APC with rocket launchers and no headlights, for an art project.

[quote=“TheGrifter, post:3, topic:5950”]In Cata, I make my own Terminus, thank you very much. They’re ALL terminus when I arrive. Cannibal trait for the win.[/quote]

I wasn’t up to speed with TWD yet.
Thank you.

Never use the internet if you aren’t caught up on TV shows.

IT’S NOT CONFIRMED. Don’t worry about it. What is confirmed is that I have a knife. In real life. Let’s play cataclysm 3: For real edition.

Just kidding, Florence Widding.

I remember I made a big thread about this quite a while ago; but still, discussion is important. However, NPCs are an x-box hueg endeavor, so there’s a lot of bugfixes and basic mechanics overhauls before that can really appear.