What Are YOU! Playing On?

By the way, do any of you know if my PC can handle Assassin’s Creed Black Flag? I’m thinking about getting it, but i’m not sure if it will run (even with lowest settings possible).

It will probably be the last game played on this computer, since i plan on getting a new one.

Check this page out.

'kay, thanks dude.

Edit: BTW, it’s not in the list yet, but thanks anyways.

Playing on my desktop, 3770k + 7970 ghz edition, 8gb of ram. Just built it last may, still runs beautifully. i7 is overclocked to 4.5ghz, I have a monster phanteks cpu cooler. Windows 8 and Archlinux, although I usually use W8 because I have all my music on it and I’m too lazy to get something that can read NTFS in Arch.

there are plenty of NTFS implementations for linux…

My arse.