Its occurred to me that when it comes to water, it comes either as an environmental feature, or as an item/object that you can store or place. Never one and the same.
To elaborate further; If I was to have a Keg of water to which I ‘upload’ to the ground, say over 1000 points of water. The tile will stay the same, despite technically being flooded.
An as for actually flooding the tile, the only means (that I know of) would be to use one of the construction options that involves water. So in this case, water doesn’t function as water does. Instead it acts like any normal solid object.
So functionally, could water from containers work differently? An if so, what would be the potential consequences and benefits? Like effects to gameplay, fps and scripting.
What do you think? Doable or necessary, or just something to outright be left alone forever.
An just to note, this is in no means an incentive for change, just a discussion on potential mechanics.