Vehicle Maintenance

Is there a way to clean the blood off of your vehicles besides removing and placing the parts again? it kinda wears on me to see my mobile fortress painted a bright red and pink all the time but removing all those parts is going to be a hassle.
on a side note why can i repair my cameras with a soldering iron when removed but not when installed?

I know leaving your vehicle in the rain will clean it, it cleaned my shopping cart after I had left it outside overnight.

problem is the outside gets cleaned but the inside does not, it is pretty strange that the inside gets covered in gore when ramming too though.

I know right? Fortunately the solution is simple: Apply mop.

on a side note why can i repair my cameras with a soldering iron when removed but not when installed?

I think it’s just a vehicle interface thing, as I don’t think you can use a soldering iron for any vehicle repair. Though I could also see it being easier to get inside a camera and do delicate work on its internals if you removed it first.