Using Git Code (on the github)

How does one do this?

Ive given the good old college try or three, but Im not figuring out how to rebase things or delete branches or any of those nifty internal maintainance things I occassionally see.

I figure I can ask here so that should I get an answer it will be documented here.

pedit: I mean where can/do I input this code? Im seeing only 1 viable location, the ‘create a new branch/switch a branch’ area in my own fork.

Start here. You may also look here.
I don’t think you can (or want to) do too much on the github web app, better use a local client.

ofc I need more things and get more formal :{

thanks o/

Do you have GitHub Desktop? It comes with a command line that you can use to rebase.

aye. Now I do, at least.

Im learning all this blind, so its somewhat frustrating. But Ill manage. Im a smart enough cookie and all that jazz.

I learned rebase by reading this:

If you want some more advanced help, i2amroy may help you.

When I asked i2amroy for help figuring out rebase, i2amroy gave me a link to the git-scm website: I was too stupid and sleep deprived to figure out his advice that day. i2amroy, thank you for taking the time to help me.

lol :slight_smile:

Theyre good people.

The git shell error messages are pretty helpful too.

They are good people. He also gave me a step by step walkthrough.