Using Black Road - Can't escape from the shelter?

Zombie dogs always catch up to me and fuck me over. Any tips?

Bush kite them or use a bow.

As soon as the zombies break out the windows grab the heavy stick.
Then run over to the lockers nearby and smash one, this will give you a pipe, your first weapon.

Now, if you have time head downstairs into the basement and kill the zombies as they walk about randomly below.
If you cant do that run away from the shelter as far as you can. This will weed out the dogs. Kill them with the pipe individually and then come back to the shelter and kill everything else for the loot.

I just found a zombie hulk in my basement, I can’t belive I survived.

I just ducked into the basement, ran a full circle down there, ran back up and dove out a window into a nearby river.
Mr. Shower victim managed to finish his bath.

what exactly is black road and what does it do?

It’s an option that spawns zombies around your starting shelter, you know, for added challenge.

does it also increase the amount of equipment that spawns in the basement?

It's an option that spawns zombies around your starting shelter, you know, for added challenge.

If I recall correctly, spawn in initial shelter was considered as a bug.

Some basements have much more loot than normal ones, these basements are usually spawned with zombies in them. IIRC, black road does not influence this affect, it’s totally random.