Underlying mechanics of vehicles

I don’t know what “K dynamics” means, but here are some quirky observations I made.
Top speed of a vehicle seems to be only affected by:

[ul][li]drive power, obviously – the more, the better[/li]
[li]number/size of wheels – more and larger wheels will slow you down[/li]
[li]vehicle size – but only width seems to be taken into account[/li]
[li]vehicle mass – but only a little if at all[/li]
[li]driving over piles of rocks/metal wreckage (the speedometer will not show it tho)[/li][/ul]

Also, two and more engines will have diminishing returns, to the point where installing an additional weak engine will actually lower your top speed. There goes my plan of installing a secondary gasoline engine just to be able to recharge batteries in times of power scarcity. (It would be nice to have a non-engine epower generator, for this reason.)

Is there anything I am obviously missing?
And what is “K dynamics”?

EDIT: Ohhh, I did a forum search and it yielded some useful info, whereas it did not when I did it previously.
K Dynamics is friction coefficient which is calculated from your vehicle configuration (including width, amount of wheels and I would guess windshields). K Mass is how much the vehicle mass will slow it down. Both values are ideal at 100%, worst at 0%.

Separate engine activation is in plans. Also, you can selectively activate engines by not having enough fuel for some of them.

With the addition of Jumper Cables, external power stations and solar farms are a lot less hassle to deal with.

Carry around the parts and assemble as needed.

I can probably throw together a foldable generator easily too.