Uknown error in .9 stable

Every time i sleep in my current save it sleeps for awhile and then the game closes. it doesnt sleep for the same ammount of time each time, nor does the game close at the same time. it also closed once while i was reading a book. i have no idea how to get more information on the error, but if it helps for awhile now when the game launches it starts by saying “DEBUG: Warning! data/keymap.txt contains an unknown action, “null” Fix data/keymap.txt at your next chance! Press spacebar…”

Thanks for the bug report!

It’s now been entered into our issue tracker.

the error fixed itself after i killed a friendly slime and its children with bear traps. it still gives the wierd text on startup. i think the error was caused by the massive ammount of combat it was in during times that were supposed to be sped up. the landscape around my shelter is covered in hundreds of corpses.

I get this when I assign the Escape (ESC) key to something. You can still use it to open the thing you assigned it to, but it gives that error on startup.

I get this when I assign the Escape (ESC) key to something. You can still use it to open the thing you assigned it to, but it gives that error on startup.[/quote]
i havent assigned the escape key to anything.