I remember playing this game before it was open source (when it was developed by Wales right?) I watched a let’s play of it it and was impressed, then I played it myself and enjoyed it, doing bumps of coke (in-game), collecting backpacks and having fun killing and being killed by zombies in ascii… many years ago.
I have been playing on and off since, coming back a few years ago I was astonished at being able to drive a car around (with tilesets too, wow!). Now instead of just being fueled by coke I could be fueled by petrol… it was pretty cool, also now I could mutate myself into a werewolf and prowl the streets searching for gear and prey to eat.
I was increasingly surprised that the community has not only kept it going but was making it into something awesome. Then I stopped playing again for years and assumed the game had probably died off but when I decided to check it out on a lark I found that it is still cranking and that it is much more complex and well-wrought. People were even still doing video coverage of it (thanks Vormithrax, in my case) and the game also had many new systems, concepts and more realism.
This game is quite an amazing thing. I have been following a rogue-like on steam which will be released soon apparently (Stoneshard?) but after playing this for the past couple weeks I realize that game won’t be anywhere in the same universe as highly developed and interesting as this game as it simply hasn’t had the development time that CDDA has had put into it. So keep it up, and maybe I will even lend my own meager and undeveloped programming skills to the mix if I have anything worthwhile to add. Thanks and sorry for the sycophantic encouragement I know it is gross so…apologies. (shit, even that sounds obsequious and gross too, oh well).