From what I understand of Cataclysm’s background the zombies are actually just dead corpses being used as puppets by some sort of extra-dimensional goo for some unknown reason, and as far as I know the goo is only smart enough to move the bodies so that they can chase after and possible kill any living beings, which is why they smash down doors instead of opening them, among other things.

My suggestion implies that maybe, just maybe, the goo that most people know and all of us hate is just one species, what if there’s another species of goo, one that’s smart enough to learn, or has the ability to access some of it’s hosts memories? I’m not talking about something as smart as a normal human (except maybe in very rare cases), but something smart enough to make several anti-zombie tricks ineffective (a closed door doesn’t really slow down something that knows how to open it), something that can actually make judgement calls (if it sees a bunch of normal zombies getting mowed down by gun fire or blown up by mines every time they go down a certain path, it’ll try to find another path to its potential prey), something smart enough to know that sticks and stones can break bones, and prey with broken bones is easier to catch.

They way I see it these smart zombies will be somewhat uncommon, but common enough to take into consideration. Also, if players don’t like the idea of smart zombies there can be an option to turn them off, separate from the classic zombies option of course.


And the mysterious GlyphGryph strikes again.

Is that a good “heheheh” or a bad “heheheh”?

Its GlyphGryph, so… Both.

…We’ll be seeing this in v0.5.1 then.

One of these days I’m just gonna open the window and there’s a zed just standing there.
With a molotov.

I hope for ninja zombies jumping out of trees.
Also, I’d like them to leave diamonds behind them and not ragged and burned clothes, so I can collect like a hundred of them and get Zelda that key.
I also really miss my mommy. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Iosyn, post:6, topic:1407”]…We’ll be seeing this in v0.5.1 then.

One of these days I’m just gonna open the window and there’s a zed just standing there.
With a molotov.[/quote]

Of course I doubt it’ll be smart enough to know how to use it in any way other than smashing it over someone’s head. That could actually be a strategic advantage to a survivor, with shooting the zombie resulting in a chance to, instead, shoot the molotov and possibly detonating it, which can not only destroy the zombie holding the bomb, but damage any zombies nearby.

Of course there’ll have to be a few zombies with enough smarts to know how a gun works, but that’s not to say they know how to reload it, or maintain it, or even be able to hit the broad side of a barn, but a zombie with a gun can be just as deadly to you as to its kip and kin, especially if they have a shotgun, or there’s explosives nearby.

Nah, if they’re smart I’m sure they can throw them. Besides, we already have spitters and suchlike that seem to be able to aim with the precision of those damn jumping fish that shoot flies off branches with pressurized water. Suicide bomber zombies next. All wearing ragged turbans and filled with zealotry and butthurt.

[quote=“Iosyn, post:6, topic:1407”]…We’ll be seeing this in v0.5.1 then.

One of these days I’m just gonna open the window and there’s a zed just standing there.
With a molotov.[/quote]

“And this is for all the times you lit me on fire!”

Jihad zeds.

Have the masters or something else be able to order them.

Dear god. They have become self aware, we must abort.

Maybe this new virus could also infect living things. So the two goos may fight it out over who infects you, maybe resulting in intense body damage.

Also, maybe a mutually beneficial goo strain. One that will help in some kind of way for you keeping it fed with food from your bloodstream.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:12, topic:1407”]Maybe this new virus could also infect living things. So the two goos may fight it out over who infects you, maybe resulting in intense body damage.

Also, maybe a mutually beneficial goo strain. One that will help in some kind of way for you keeping it fed with food from your bloodstream.[/quote]

You gain a gooey brain parasite!
Your parasite tells you to feed.
Your parasite needs the toilet.
You are septacemic!
Your parasite feels danger around the corner. Run away!

[quote=“gtaguy, post:12, topic:1407”]Maybe this new virus could also infect living things. So the two goos may fight it out over who infects you, maybe resulting in intense body damage.

Also, maybe a mutually beneficial goo strain. One that will help in some kind of way for you keeping it fed with food from your bloodstream.[/quote]Hasn’t it been pretty set in stone by now that the goo only infects post mortem and has no side effects before death, making it undetectable and etc?

It infects pre-mortem, and takes over post-mortem. Except when it takes over pre-mortem, like it does with the various bugs.

Standard low level human infection: No outward signs of infection
Symbiose: This is what the insects get, where they maintain many of their natural instincts and are boosted in power by the infection
Full takeover: This is post-mortem in mammals, where the slime takes over the host body directly

Don’t we already have something similar to this in play with the zombie scientists?

They’re apparently just as dumb as the other zombies, they just accidentally set off their manhacks and toss acid bottles without really knowing what they’re doing.

They have a couple of other curious behaviours too. There’s also necromancer zombies and zombie masters, which have some nonstandard behaviour. Point being there are semi-intelligent or intelligent zombies in the game already. Their intelligence just isn’t coded all that distinctly.

I would assume that Necros and masters just have a smidgen more goo in them, allowing them to be that bit more sentient and powerful.

Like a Brute or hulk but stronger in the mental sense.

As for sentient dangers:
Wait for NPCs to be in and functional because Zombies are zombies and zombies are dumb. Look at Land of the Dead (movie) The Z in that worked out how to fire a gun and the movie sucked big giant anus cancer because of it.

But look at Last Blood - The zombies could handle and fire weapons in that too, and it worked out fuckin’ awesome.