Overriding the default .json?

Hello! Is there a way to override the default data in the .json? For example, to make a mod where I replace all the professions and the scenario with my own.

You can delete the professions .json and replace it with your own making only your professions available but you can’t do this via mod.

you can’t delete other professions, but if you make a scenario(s) then you can make them profession specific (only the professions YOU pick to be usable will be usable, even if that means only the professions you created) but would still allow people to play outside the scenario as whatever they want.

Am I mistaken?

[quote=“Litppunk, post:3, topic:11628”]you can’t delete other professions, but if you make a scenario(s) then you can make them profession specific (only the professions YOU pick to be usable will be usable, even if that means only the professions you created) but would still allow people to play outside the scenario as whatever they want.

Am I mistaken?[/quote]
For a mod, this is correct.

[quote=“Litppunk, post:3, topic:11628”]you can’t delete other professions, but if you make a scenario(s) then you can make them profession specific (only the professions YOU pick to be usable will be usable, even if that means only the professions you created) but would still allow people to play outside the scenario as whatever they want.

Am I mistaken?[/quote]

Done, it works. Thanks.

I’ve tried doing this many times, and it usually doesn’t go very well.

The few times that I’ve been able to make it work, having only the jsons in a word processor to edit, I did make some changes to the game in a past version, but I have not been able to successfully do it recently. Is there a program I could use to help me do this more easily? Simply changing the items, start location, armor, and skills of a profession?

[quote=“Straume21, post:6, topic:11628”]I’ve tried doing this many times, and it usually doesn’t go very well.

The few times that I’ve been able to make it work, having only the jsons in a word processor to edit, I did make some changes to the game in a past version, but I have not been able to successfully do it recently. Is there a program I could use to help me do this more easily? Simply changing the items, start location, armor, and skills of a profession?[/quote]

I recommend notepad++

Qt seems good too, and I REALLY like Brackets. Both free. Though as I am not anywhere near a “competent” code monkey I can’t say that it’s the right choice for anyone that knows what they are doing.

If you do try Brackets, try the ant theme. A nice cool brown scheme, very nice to the eyes, especially in low light settings if that interests you.

edit: I look forward to when I am done with codecademy and can build stuff “solely” on my own knowledge and cheat sheets and indexes.

As is right now, I can mostly tell you what can and can’t be done/ scale easy->hard various tasks one might do, just can’t do them myself yet without looking up 50 tutorials in the process, and still getting a horrible product in comparison.

Notepad++ works perfectly. I managed to get several modifications to work, and I have just a passing knowledge of programming.