NPC Spawn rate

Hello everyone,

I am very new to DDA, and keep reading about a NPC spawn rate changer, but i cannot find it. None of the world options for me when i am making a new world allow for spawn changes for NPCs. I have a json editor downloaded, but i cannot seem to find the rate changer if it is in there (the npc.json does not seem to have it).

Where is this option? Thank you!

Sorry, to clarify, i have the NPC options for static and random spawns, but no spawn rate.

If you are using experimental, it’s found in the main menu Settings>Options>World Options>NPC Spawn Rate Scaling Factor. It can be found under the name NPC_DENSITY in your world’s worldoptions.json.

And welcome to the community; hope you have fun.

Ohh, i see. I am not using the experimental build, i have 0.C

Is the experimental fairly stable then?

There are several ongoing code overhauls going on right now, but the experimental I’m playing is tolerably okay (6175). However, you do need to hit the spacebar multiple times in the loading screen after creating a new character.

Awesome, thanks for your help!