NPC reading from E-Ink Tablet/Laptop/Smartphone?

Are NPCs able to read books stored on devices?

I gather I can read material on devices to them but on initial fiddling it looks like it has to be physical books for them to read themselves.

Eventually answered my own question, some confusion due to gap in last play, some lack of feedback from NPC (completed job successfully w/nothing done), and some really bad initial NPCs… Also got used to telling NPCs to do stuff through (A) Tell someone to work on…

Now you can give them a collection of books (in their inventory) and tell them to read what they have in order (good way to level up several skills w/o micromanaging) or…

(t)alk → (d) There’s something I want you to do → (l) Let’s talk about your current activity. → (h) Please study from an e-book. → Presented with a list of devices - laptop, e-ink tablet pc, smartphone, whether they have power or not, e-books or not; so pick one with charges and e-books present. → A list of e-books on the device is presented, pick a book they can read.

Trying to get them to read a specific book or trying to read the book to them can give some feedback about their mood (focus) - though this is binary they can or too sad and can’t. A stereo system helps a bunch if you’ve got NPCs that are moody. Got two myself (first two), one with chemical imbalance plus mood swings and seasonal affective disorder, the other with chemical imbalance plus bad temper. They don’t tend to be in a good mood enough to read as is and won’t read fun books, nor is there a way to check their mood short of debug… Stereo system is a higher mood boost than MP3 players, just not great for quiet. Also not sure if MP3 players work for NPCs (initial testing suggests not).

Hopeful maybe we’ll get a camp job of reading from the NPC’s held books…

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