Moving vehicles up/down stairs

Now that vehicle moving through z-levels is possible maybe it is time to implement moving grabbed vehicles up/down stairs? At least single-tile ones like shopping carts. Would be quite a time-saver, both in-and out of game.


Dragging stuff up and down stairs is dubious. Dragging stuff up and down ramps is something that should be possible (it kind of is, you just need to finesse some bits) and I need to work out the last details.


Is it still impossible in the experimental? I am playing 0.G-2 stable and I found a building that spawned a non-foldable bicycle underground (a hunting lodge with an underground cocaine stash had a bicycle in one of the rooms). Is there no way to get the bike out without disassembling it? In real life it is very much possible to drag a bicycle up the stairs, I’ve done it myself many times.


Dragging up and down stairs is still not in the game yet.