Make first aid/bandages heal over time

If you want to sit around your base waiting to heal you can feel free.

I plan to heal on the move unless it’s extremely urgent, since there’s no benefit to sitting still while healing over time. ‘Healing over time’ doesn’t mean you have to be motionless. I’ve said this once before, but apparently it bears repeating.

Alright here’s my two cents:
1- I still think the bleeding effect should stop immediately. It prevents confusion and I’m assuming the bleeding effect mostly reflects a medium cut, not a horrible maiming, so proper bandaging should slow it down enough. Maybe add a recovering effect or somesuch but the bleeding itself (with the red bodypart name) needs to stop.
2- Since we’re in the future how about rare kits that heal semi-instantly like First aid kits do now? A medical Stem Cell spray or the like. Would be an extra incentive to raid hospitals and look for medical buildings in general. Should be rare enough that you want to save them for rainy days.

[quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:42, topic:4433”]Alright here’s my two cents:
1- I still think the bleeding effect should stop immediately. It prevents confusion and I’m assuming the bleeding effect mostly reflects a medium cut, not a horrible maiming, so proper bandaging should slow it down enough. Maybe add a recovering effect or somesuch but the bleeding itself (with the red bodypart name) needs to stop.
2- Since we’re in the future how about rare kits that heal semi-instantly like First aid kits do now? A medical Stem Cell spray or the like. Would be an extra incentive to raid hospitals and look for medical buildings in general. Should be rare enough that you want to save them for rainy days.[/quote]

I think bleeding will stop immediately, with cauterization it does anyway.

I think the rivtech first aid kids to something like that (or could be adapted too) and I think that’d be good ‘endgame’ loot if they were rare enough.

+1 for making ordinary first aid kits and bandages heal over time, with stuff like the RiviTech ones or whatever they’re called healing faster.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:35, topic:4433”][quote=“Hyena Grin, post:33, topic:4433”]A revision that foregoes HP in general would be awesome. I’ve always disliked hitpoints as a system. I think there’s a lot of unexplored territory in a system that tracks wounds as unique status effects (that cripple and hinder movement and actions), and what kills you would actually be accumulated blood loss and/or organ damage.

At least that’s where my mind goes when I think of a system without HP. Mileage may vary.[/quote]
This is precisely what I want to do, individual wounds accumulate and debilitate you, interfering with your ability to defend yourself, and once it passes a certain point, the severity of the wounds climbs until you get taken out. The individual wounds could be treated in various ways to make them heal faster and/or to avoid complications (like infection).

I’m a bit surprised really, even Diablo, the benchmark for non-roguelike rogulelikeness has HoT.[/quote]Dwarf Fortress wounding system, except better?

In the immediate future, bleeding will still stop immediately when treated, whether you bandage, cauterize, or just hold a rag over it (though rags have a chance of not working). That’s seperate from healing over time that’s being proposed.

It’s possible that in the (far) future there could be some kind of severe bleeding wound that you can treat partially, say by slapping a bandage or something over it, then have to do something more involved to make it stop fully.

As for the system encouraging “moping around the base”, this is a symptom of HP systems in my opinion. If you give someone a single score representing “not dying”, especially if it has very coarse numbers*, they’re going to tend to try and get back to “full health” as a priority. Roguelikes are very guilty of this with a combination of high danger and ample options for healing. In reality, do you sit at home and rest every time you have a cut, scratch, or bruise? How about if you have a broken leg? Do you just shut down until it’s all better? No, you generally tough it out unless it’s so bad you can’t function (after treating it as appropriate). Over time your wounds heal, and meanwhile you get new ones, it just happens, people walk around getting on with their lives with minor and sometimes major injuries all the time. That’s what this system would mean, you’d get bruises, cuts, scrapes, burns, even bites and maybe broken bones, but you treat them and keep going, because the alternative is dying. That’s survival.

*Just 100 HP is pretty damn coarse, imagine the smallest wound that might register as a wound, a cut, or a scrape, bruise, a small burn, or stubbing your toe. Now imagine 100 of them, is that going to kill you? No, meaning 100 HP is too coarse

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:45, topic:4433”]In the immediate future, bleeding will still stop immediately when treated, whether you bandage, cauterize, or just hold a rag over it (though rags have a chance of not working). That’s seperate from healing over time that’s being proposed.

It’s possible that in the (far) future there could be some kind of severe bleeding wound that you can treat partially, say by slapping a bandage or something over it, then have to do something more involved to make it stop fully.

As for the system encouraging “moping around the base”, this is a symptom of HP systems in my opinion. If you give someone a single score representing “not dying”, especially if it has very coarse numbers*, they’re going to tend to try and get back to “full health” as a priority. Roguelikes are very guilty of this with a combination of high danger and ample options for healing. In reality, do you sit at home and rest every time you have a cut, scratch, or bruise? How about if you have a broken leg? Do you just shut down until it’s all better? No, you generally tough it out unless it’s so bad you can’t function (after treating it as appropriate). Over time your wounds heal, and meanwhile you get new ones, it just happens, people walk around getting on with their lives with minor and sometimes major injuries all the time. That’s what this system would mean, you’d get bruises, cuts, scrapes, burns, even bites and maybe broken bones, but you treat them and keep going, because the alternative is dying. That’s survival.

*Just 100 HP is pretty damn coarse, imagine the smallest wound that might register as a wound, a cut, or a scrape, bruise, a small burn, or stubbing your toe. Now imagine 100 of them, is that going to kill you? No, meaning 100 HP is too coarse[/quote] What about stuff like ordinary cuts and burns getting infected?

In terms of more serious burns, infection is one of the biggest threats in the long-term.

Yea infection and infection prevention was going to be a big part of this, I was thinking for example:
Cut is the initial state of a cut, low chance of infection.
Dirty Cut has been exposed too long, high chance of infection. (some monsters might inflict dirty cuts, bites, etc)
Infected Cut causes additional pain, and might cause other issues.
Bound Cut has no or almost no chance of infection, and heals faster.

You CAN ignore cuts and have them heal, but over time you’ll end up with a lot of them being infected and taking longer to heal, etc.

cut -> bandage -> bound cut
-> ignore for too long -> dirty cut

dirty cut -> disenfect -> cut
-> ignore too long -> infected cut
-> bandage -> bound dirty cut, kind of pointless

It’s generally pretty obvious what needs to be done for various wounds, so we’ll likely have a “treat all wounds” command that will just treat everything as long as you have the appropriate skills and items.
No skill would be needed for e.g. bandaging and disenfecting, but more serious injuries might need suturing or similar, and that would require skill.

It would be helpful if there were more ways than finding books to raise first aid skill, so you don’t have to rely on repeatedly getting slight injuries and treating them. Maybe having an option to treat the wounds of pet dogs, or something similar?

What the literal phaque?

Your telling me that firstaid kits haven’t advanced a smidgen in the past years?

I think it’s entirely possible firstaid has some kind of healing stimulation chemicals, skin grafts, and disinfectant inside. Making first aid kits unable to heal instantly means I can’t beat slime pits and I have to run away even more. Which really just increases the tedium of the game.

More time spent healing instead of playing -1 dislike.

Well even in the future it seems unlikely standard home kits would be all that advanced.
Disinfectant, bandages and medical tape I think would be the standard fare much like now.

The military and medical institutions wold get the more advanced stuff.
Maybe a split similar to STALKER? Civilian kits that are reasonably common and act as beefier versions of bandages and disinfect while advanced kits heal faster/more thanks to the aforementioned stem cell sprays and what not but they would be rarer.

Slime pits seem like a place for explosives and Zweihanders to me.

[quote=“ChristopherWalken, post:50, topic:4433”]Well even in the future it seems unlikely standard home kits would be all that advanced.
Disinfectant, bandages and medical tape I think would be the standard fare much like now.

The military and medical institutions wold get the more advanced stuff.
Maybe a split similar to STALKER? Civilian kits that are reasonably common and act as beefier versions of bandages and disinfect while advanced kits heal faster/more thanks to the aforementioned stem cell sprays and what not but they would be rarer.

Slime pits seem like a place for explosives and Zweihanders to me.[/quote]


Just think about it, you fight and zombie and your head goes into the red. Instead of popping a Medkit and being able to fight again in the next few minutes after pain subsides you have to run away and wait 5+ hours For the wound to heal. Added tedium with no real actual benefit besides realism!!! Which we don’t really have all that much to begin with. So I say Boo!

Of course you are right gtaguy. Who wouldn’t want to kill a town worth of zeds while chewing health and adderals , wearing all of a sports store inventory at once?

You funny guuuy.

I will never get over how people complain about something being tedious when you can pass any amount of time instantly with a few key presses. It amuses the heck out of me.

There is a certain severity of ADHD that I don’t think the game necessarily ought to cater to.

The benefit is consequences. Consequences that impact how you play a game and the kinds of situations that develop as you play. Getting yourself into tricky situations shouldn’t require running out of medical supplies that you can apply instantly.