Ok this is going to be a long answer
i always have aftershock, magiclysm, dinomod, crit expansion, blaze industries, and bionic professionsm installed, so i might be referencing items/things that i think are part of base game but are actually from a mod, and vice versa…
anyway for vanilla game, what ive found to maximize dodge, and damage and armor, and minimize encumbrence is this setup: chainmail suit, plate mail suit, lobster helmet, spear strap, large quiver, back scabbard, bow sling—longbow. military rucksack…
personally i think halberds are the best weapon, cause their insane damge, reach attacks, and being to use spear straps on them.
anyway ive found this setup for these monsters:
1 zombie: wtf too easy
10 zombies: still too easy
35 zombie horde mixed with a few special zombies… shockers, hulks, pupating crawlers, necromancers etc…: ill still take no damage but if not careful they’ll surround and shred my armor
jabberwock: easy as normal zombie
trex: too easy
military base with turrets: be careful, not high ballistic armor
demon spider queen: wtf just happened
anyway if you have CRIT expanion installed (which i reccomend) and your looking for a character that starts with insane dodge, damage, storage, armor, and speed, and practically no encumbrence for what its worth… just do CRIT Lone Wolf: the lone wolf has overpowered armor stat, takes no damage from pretty much anything including bullets, arrows, acid, scratches, bashes and anything else except for shocks, has 6+ dodge so even if you are hit (somehow) you still take no dmage, can carry massive amount of stuff (need military rucksack/MOLE pack, 13+ strength=around 240+lbs of carry weight) has stupidly high damage (use CRIT CQB) weild CRIT Service Knife, get 2-3 hits per turn, each does 45-90 dmg even against high dodge and armor, has knockback and stun, so any zombie ded 1-2 turns, and finally has normal movement speed even with all this… and you start with this from character creation, like no grinding, for a year in-game, no forging or anything, although anything is pretty tough to repair if it gets damaged
1 zombie: wtf too easy
10 zombies: still too easy
35 zombie horde mixed with a few special zombies… shockers, hulks, pupating crawlers, necromancers etc…: ez af
jabberwock: wheres a challenge
trex: ez no challenge
military base with turrets: omfg eeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
demon spider queen: bruh… easy?
tbh i wouldnt reccomend Lone Wolf, i would recomend CRIT Spec Ops, its like lone wolf but nerfed down, its more for the survival and helping and not just combat focused, and also you can take dmage after enough hits or if surrounded,and the CRIT axe althoug it has knockback and stun, its very fatigue-ing and less damage
Spec Ops:
1 zombie: wtf too easy
10 zombies: ok dont be stupid
35 zombie horde mixed with a few special zombies… shockers, hulks, pupating crawlers, necromancers etc…: lets play hit and run
jabberwock: yes?
trex: taking aim…
military base with turrets: just brute rush, high enough bullet armor
demon spider queen: help
all in all, i prefer spec ops out of those three, its decently balanced, but still op. has high enough damage plus knockback and stun (CRIT CQB
), can take damage, but for the first 20 fights is probably good, medium dodge( is mostly a tank, so you have to use points to invest in dodge) once the armor is deamged, its unlikely you can repair at the time, so the armor is like a starting boost, and finally Spec Ops comes with some useful survival tools, such as the axe and water purifiers
for Michael_Panariello:
agree but 13 strength+tough = 118 HP
no matter what do pain resistant
parkour expert is an eh… not needed
go for fast healer if available