Lewis and Clark (Not columbus) Plays DDA

[quote=“youtoo, post:12, topic:3028”]you can take a note out of walking dead and get a zombie Sakajewei (ok spelled it wrong. its the indian woman who went with them).

remember the woman with the samurai sword in walking dead? She cut off the mouths and armos of zombies and they were docile, but having the zombie with them kept other zombies away? i gots to get me one of those.[/quote]
There’s no rationale in our game for having them ward off other zombies, but people might want to do something like that to use them as packmules. (load them up with backpacks and equipment.)

IME the best way to get a storage battery and electric motor is to look for a vehicle with solar panels on it (#), and then dismantle the relevant pieces into a shopping cart and drag that to your base.

One zombie arm a day keeps the zombie doctor away.
Now with all shopping cart greatness, all hail to the future - use your immense hacking skill to befriend that SecuBot for good and turn him into a mobile trash can that could run on plutonium cells for insanely prolonged periods of time! Just imagine! Screw his head off and toss in that V8 inside! Paint him in black so he looks more like a bear and scare the shit out of wildlife around your tent! Have a joyride to the next town on his back, wasted on meth and alcohol! Modify him so he sings “Soft kitty, sleepy kitty” everytime LazyCat’s around the forums! Yeehaw!
