Launcher updates the game, but won't launch it

So I don’t know if this is a common problem but the CDDA launcher opens up just fine. It updates the game and everything. For some reason though, when I click launch game, nothing happens. The launcher will close like it’s supposed to, but the game itself doesn’t pop up at all. Anyone else having this problem?

Yes, there are some topics in the forum on this… topic.

Try the suggestions in this one and let us know if it does work:

Are you using any mods?M_Touhou, maybe?

Sorry I saw this too late. What I think happened was deleting certain mods to replace them also deleted some important data for the game. I repeated this a few times using the goat mod pack. I’d install it, and then I would delete it after reinstalling cdda. The launcher would launch the game when I didn’t install and delete the goat modpack. I’m not sure if it’s just that one either, but it’s what I saw. I’m scared to install any new mods now.

Also what’s Tohou? I’ve never heard of that one.

It’s a, uhh, Japanese bullet-hell shoot 'em up inspired mod that caused severe crashes until i fixed it in the latest version and sent it over to Goat :slight_smile: