JSON, misadventures in Modding and tears. [please help...]

You can always make your own Github repo, throw it on dropbox, wherever, then start a thread for it in the main part of The Lab. If people say they want it in the main game enough, they might pester you to PR it and make it official, like when I posted More Survival Tools as a mod in the forums initially.

Alright, I made my Git, do I just toss it in The Lab with a link and wait for feedback?

Maybe, plus it means that derps like me can PR stuff to it. <3

I’m just so happy about all the help that I’m getting for this! Everyone’s so nice!!!

Also, it’s called the Cataclysm 40K mod!

Have Fun, and hope it goes well. That reminds me, I think it might be possible to use the Rivtech armor method to rig up other variants of power armor.

I’ve never actually used Rivtech armor in game before. I just never found it.