Is there anywhere or anyone I could throw basement designs at?

I’m thinking of designing up a series of generic, low-value basements to allow some variety and sense to what we see underground, using one of the map makers, but I’m unsure how to implement them directly into the game (or if they are fully json’d), and git is currently alien to me on this account. Anyone willing to give me a hand in at least making pull requests (and some minor advice) on the matter?

Got a GitHub account?

[quote=“BorkBorkGoesTheCode, post:2, topic:12345”]Got a GitHub account?[/quote]I do, and I’ll probably learn to merge or whatever if need be. Having some direction on this seems nice. Guess I probably should’ve searched, though my preliminary searching was kinda fruitless.

If you thought I was implying anything, I wasn’t. What advice do you seek?

Alright, so, first off:
-Is this compatible with the newest experimental? Not sure how to check other than just running it, but that may not even be 100% sure. If not, is there a newer piece of software being used, or is everyone going from scratch?

-Secondly, are basements JSONable, or do I have to recompile to get new variations in?

-Thirdly, how do I get them to spawn in normal conditions? Namely, as part of the group of basement designs that are spawned normally below houses.

-Fourth, how do i go about implementing this whole thing as a pull request, or is it convenient enough to do while set up that I could give all the changed/created files to someone who’s already set up to make the pull?

  1. I do not know. I haven’t used that tool.

  2. Yes. The gun basement and the survival basement are JSONized already.

  3. Look at data/json/mapgen/basement_guns. The likelihood of your basement is set using “weight”: . You can add new basements using a mod.

  4. Fork a copy of Cataclysm-DDA by clicking on the fork button in the top-right corner of the Cataclysm-DDA code page. 2. Create a branch of your fork of Cataclysm-DDA by entering a name for the new branch into the Branch: Master drop-down menu on your fork’s code page, then click the create branch button. 3. Upload your basement JSON to the branch you created. Navigate to the mapgen folder in your branch, then click on the Upload button and drag your basement file to the Upload field. 4. Open a Pull Request by clicking the new Pull Request button, selecting your branch from the drop-down list to the right, then click the Create Pull Request button. Review the files listed below, then write a description of the changes you are making in the comment field, then click the create pull request button.


Thank you for the advice!
The last point was just me wondering if making the designs was sufficient enough effort for someone to merge it. Don’t worry about it, though, I should be able to figure out the process based on what you’ve told me. Thanks!

If you edit files using the online edit file feature, carefully monitor your data usage.