Is there a way to blacklist overmap specials?

How about "overmap_feature_flag_settings": { "blacklist": [ "FARM" ] }? It get’s rid of all farms, only exception the “ranch_camp”.

For other buildings, there are not many options - you’ll need to take the long way and remove them “manually”, as in: Check the data->json->overmap->overmap_special->specials.json file for the id of the building and create a file in your mod that contains "type": "overmap_special", that id, an empty "overmaps" list and "occurrences": [ 0, 0 ]. For example…:

Get rid of all the prisons
    "type": "overmap_special",
    "id": "Prison",
    "overmaps": [],
    "occurrences": [ 0, 0 ]
    "type": "overmap_special",
    "id": "Alcatraz Prison",
    "overmaps": [],
    "occurrences": [ 0, 0 ]
    "type": "overmap_special",
    "id": "Prison Hidden Lab",
    "overmaps": [],
    "occurrences": [ 0, 0 ]

If you want to get rid of certain city buildings, you probably can tweak them in your regional_map_settings.json “replacement”, specifically in the "city"->"houses" and "shops" list.

But I’m not experienced at modding building spawn rates, so maybe it wont work as I expect it to.

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