I wonder who designed this city

One of them was probably supposed to be a sandwich shop, but you know how people tend to fall asleep when planning cities.

why is your game window so tiny

Usually I keep it small because I want to play something, like a youtube video, in the background.

They are different entries to the same station.

S|S _|_ S|S

This lay out is common at crossroad.

Still, it’s just like…
You can cross 1 street to get to the subway station.
Is anyone REALLY that fucking lazy
I mean really.

[quote=“Some guy on the forums, post:6, topic:13586”]Still, it’s just like…
You can cross 1 street to get to the subway station.
Is anyone REALLY that fucking lazy
I mean really.[/quote]

'Murica, where walking one block is just too much damn trouble.

What is this? A Dark Days Ahead for ants?

Well, when I was planing my city in sc4 I was kinda forced to put station on each side of each road (for different reason).

Maybe they just played sc4 too much when they planed this city ?

[quote=“Some guy on the forums, post:6, topic:13586”]Still, it’s just like…
You can cross 1 street to get to the subway station.
Is anyone REALLY that fucking lazy
I mean really.[/quote]
Multiple subway entrances keeps pedestrians from crossing the streets. Pedestrians crossing streets disrupt car traffic.