How to erase stuff written by survival-marker?

I’ve written stuff all over my base using survival marker to mark stashes, rooms, etc. But now its really annoying me, the ground marked by survival marker shows up in red and it doesn’t go away. Is there any option of wiping the graffiti off the ground? using mop doesn’t help. I guess placing carpet on that area should work, but I haven’t tried it yet.

Any ideas?

Activate the marker above the graffiti and emptying the message box, I think.

That does erase the graffiti written on the floor but the floor still shows up in red. I don’t have any problem with the writing but the red highlighted floor looks like I’ve placed some crappy carpet on it.

Hmm that sounds a bit like a bug. Perhaps report it on github.

Well it looks like it. I guess I’ll have to leave it as it is. But next time I’m gonna use signboards, markers reserved for turret-rooms in labs.

IIRC mop will do it.

If a mop doesn’t do it, I half-jokingly suggest someone add in an (a)pply effect for one of the solvents already in game for removing it.

Mop does that. Also you can mess up the space-time by using it. Keep that a secret, we don’t want unneeded people to know that fearsome secret.

[code]int iuse::mop(player *p, item *it, bool, const tripoint& )
int dirx, diry;
if (!choose_adjacent(_(“Mop where?”), dirx, diry)) {
return 0;

tripoint dirp( dirx, diry, p->posz() );
if (dirx == p->posx() && diry == p->posy()) {
    p->add_msg_if_player(_("You mop yourself up."));
    p->add_msg_if_player(_("The universe implodes and reforms around you."));
    return 0;
if (p->has_effect("blind") || p->worn_with_flag("BLIND")) {
    add_msg(_("You move the mop around, unsure whether it's doing any good."));
    p->moves -= 15;
    if (one_in(3) && g->m.moppable_items_at( dirp )) {
        g->m.mop_spills( dirp );
} else {
    if (g->m.moppable_items_at( dirp )) {
        g->m.mop_spills( dirp );
        add_msg(_("You mop up the spill."));
        p->moves -= 15;
    } else {
        p->add_msg_if_player(m_info, _("There's nothing to mop there."));
        return 0;
return it->type->charges_to_use();


Yep. EditorRUS is right, the mop doesn’t do it. If the player mops the tile he’s standing on the following message is displayed:

“You mop yourself up.”
“The universe implodes and reforms around you.”

But the graffiti is stays there.

And trying to mop the graffiti on an adjacent tile gives the “There’s nothing to mop there.” message.

I guess the graffiti is not moppable since its not considered a spill. Currently, only spills like blood splatter or spilled water can be mopped. Spraying graffiti using spray can or writing using permanent marker doesn’t make any difference.

add_msg(_("You mop up the spill."));

I think its a bug, and if it is, then it should be fixed.

try spilling water on that spot.

No, that doesn’t work. Spilling water (or any other stuff) in the said tile and then mopping up that tile mops up the spill but the graffiti stays there. In short, the writing’s still there and the floor is still highlighted red. I guess, its becoming apparent that its a bug or more accurately a missing feature (just like we lack the feature to destroy items gained from debug menu or otherwise).

You don’t lack that feature. You can delete items using lua commands. Use map:i_clear(player:pos()) while standing on a pile of stuff to delete it all.

Yeah, just noticed a post on it. Is there a similar command for “deleting” the graffiti written on the ground?

No idea. Still reading up on Lua commands.