I have notepad++. But I cant get Notepad++ to be the standard editor which simply works by a double click. I have the json viewer plugin for Notepad++.
I have to choose here every time which editor I want the json to open with(yes the checkbox is checked every time):
It is annoying. Do you have any idea to get that going reliably whit having to select the proggramm every time?
(I tried the basic windows function of this with *.txt and mp3. I can get this to work for theese file types but not for *json.)
It shouldn’t ask you which program to use every time, there must be something wrong with your OS.
Is that Windows XP or is it Windows 7/8/8.1 with a classic theme?
it´s WIN7. Sry for forgeting that info.
EDIT: I use Vi improved now. It is a text editor. All the open with …works with it. I asume it is a notepad++ issue.
You should be able to change it manually if you go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Default Programs. There you’ll see different options, the one you want is “Associate a file type or protocol with a program”, once you’re there just look for the extension .json and associate it with Notepad ++.
If this somehow doesn’t work still, there’s always the option to do it through the registry with regedit. The way to do this would be by running regedit and once you are in the Registry Editor go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.cpp
there you will find all the file extensions and their configuration as to how they are being open. You could test if deleting the key, which would appear as a folder, of “.json” helps with this issue.
In this menu I dont have the *.json listed for my confusion.
Hi there!
I personally use Notepad++ and i make it myself easy by opening it over the program itself. just open Notepad++ and go to (Datei) “File” and then to (Öffnen) “open” and then go to the folder where the jsons are and select them there and it opens it up for you just nicely like that. to have a quick access to it, i would keep atleast one json always open so the next time you open for another one, its already selected in the same folder atleast.
Thank you for sharing your technique. I personally would go crazy having to do it like that all the time.
I enjoy the double click option.
Yeah I am not sure why would it give you so many issues, unless your user doesn’t have full privileges or something like that. Perhaps try re-installing Notepad ++.