Help! My NPC is bleading to death!

I just got the latest code from git. Building on linux with this: make -j4 RELEASE=1 TILES=1 SOUND=0 LUA=1

I examine the wounds on my NPC and they have a bleading torso. I press “2” to select the bleading torso. Nothing happens. They keep bleading. I don’t know what to do. help me save them! The examine wounds option on NPCs doens’t appear to be working.

P.S I have a mountain of first aid supplies in my inventory so that’s not the issue.

Sorry, everyone. I figured it out. I should have selected, “Use item on” not examine wounds. Another option would be to put the first aid supplies in the npc’s inventory.

Emory Fitzgerald (NPC) is all patched up, and ready to go :slight_smile:

Sorry for all the fuss.

[quote=“Pandromidal, post:4, topic:12695”]Emory Fitzgerald (NPC) is all patched up, and ready to go :slight_smile:

Sorry for all the fuss.[/quote]

You did it wrong. You should have violently stop his suffering and have eat his body.
This new survivors. You should always teach them simplest things.