Hey! I’m new myself. Just made this account in fact because I figured it would be worth it in the long run. Just going to hop into this thread to say hello as well and chat a bit.
I’m actually very fresh to the game to the point my first start was basically my character scouring the evac shelter and ripping down the curtains from one side of the shelter before getting distinctly worried by the smoke and corpses just outside on the opposite end. I have not confirmed the presence of a smoke zombie because the smoke was too thick. So right now I’m considering what my character’s next option besides pretending to be Vormithrax should be.
Relating to this thread: I have disabled ants. I vaguely remember someone telling me to do that in a discord server when I asked a few days before actually taking a shot. So no cooking ants for me. I’ll probably change this at a later date.